about 3 years
ago -
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To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
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- In order to prevent players from creating alt guilds (particularly with Trial accounts) to skew the campaign rewards given, the Dregs eligibility requirements have been changed. Now, for a guild to be eligible or counted for percentile-based campaign rewards there must be at least 10 non-Trial accounts in the guild. This 10 accounts is for the guild total (as reflected on the website) and does not require having joined the campaign to be counted.
- Please note that this may cause percentile based rewards to be different from looking at the total number of guilds in the Dregs.
- Added guild ranks to be displayed for players on the Leaderboard
- Fixed subcategories lingering from another category after closing and opening the vault in the lobby
- Fixed an issue where the cinematic was not playing correctly.