Update 7.200
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Revamped NPE
The NPE is being substantially updated to improve a new player’s ability to get into the Infected and beyond:
- Item and XP rewards for several quests have been adjusted
- Side Quests are now tracked separately from the Main Questline
- Several non-essential quests have become Side Quests
Known Issue
- Disciplines cost import tokens to join an embargo campaign
Alliances and Alliance Scoring
The Alliance Leading guild now receives the accumulated Conquest points for its subguilds.
- This is reflected in the Leaderboard and the final Conquest ranking and rewards.
- Alliances now can contain up to 15 guilds
- The Alliances menu can now expand to show these additional guilds
- Updated server stability and performance
- Doubled the mitigation value for Keep and Castle Walls
- Fixed an issue where a chest was sometimes duplicated
- Fixed an issue where some zones were not spawning thralls
- Imported disciplines should no longer be able to be sold
- Improved siege schedule to only reset position when switching campaigns
- Increased World bank size from 100 to 125
Nameplate visibility for siege buildings and walls have changed:
- For castle and keeps walls, it’s always visible for attackers in siege engines
- For fort walls, they become visible when damaged for attacks
- For stronghold buildings, they become visible for attackers in siege engines once damaged
- When outside a siege engine, visibility for these objects when damaged depends on the new settings in UI > Nameplate
- Outpost flags have been removed from the Hotzone parcels. Flames and siege indicators will be present just like the other Hotzones
- Rebalanced conquest points. Keeps now generate more conquest points
The Dregs campaign now has 4 adventure zones and 4 siege zones split between the 4 major regions
- Siege zones have 2 keeps and 3 forts
- Adventure zones now have 5 respawn statues instead of 6
- Adventure zones now have 3 refineries instead of 1
- Adventure zones now have 2 outpost banks instead of 1
- The number of graveyards across both siege and adventure zones has been increased
- The interaction prompts for Rune gates will now show the region name for the target zone, e.g. "NA East" or "AUS"
- The Well of Eternity is now appearing in Small Keeps
- The "Enemy Sanctuary - Keep Out!" effect has been updated to provide a more insistent and serious warning to intruders before inflicting their demise. When entering a protected enemy area, you will now begin taking damage once every two seconds. If you remain in the area for longer than 10 seconds without leaving, your character is finally killed
- Updated "Pride of the All Father" Victory Card description to indicate it awards points to participating factions who kill the most enemy guards during active castle, keep or fort siege window per member
- Vendors in campaigns that run out of gold in their coffer will now be mailed to their owner's spirit bank instead of deleted
- Cloth optional ingredients in the Bandage recipe are now visible without a First Aid Manual. They have a lock icon with a tooltip that states how to unlock the slot
- Empowered Harvest Passives from Toolkits now grant 25% Buff Power instead of 24%
- Fixed an issue that caused the cap for Tool Decay erroneously to display as 100 in the character sheet instead of 50
- Fixed typo on the Vendor Tax tooltip.Fixed an issue where the crafting screen could become unusable if a character loses connection to the zone in the middle of crafting
- Great Weapon Components recipe/ingredient names all follow the same name convention now
- Rare + Crafting and Harvesting belts can no longer be sold to Vendors
- Tooltips are no longer missing for 'Specialty Toolkits' in the Miscellaneous category of the Character Traits UI tab
- Trillion Sapphire Necklace has an effect on Logging Stats
- Upgrade Discipline recipes now indicate if a component is already Soulbound the resultant Discipline will be Soulbound
Eternal Kingdom
- Added better socket validation when loading an EK. Some EKs with broken socketing connections may have some deeds ejected and mailed back to their owner's spirit bank
- Adjusted the token size of the Obsidian Malekai Statue to be Medium instead of Large
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect key labels were showing in the building placement UI
- In EKs, guild member chests are now always accessible to the chest owner even if they leave their guild
- Lowered the interact distance on the Twitch Dragon Statue from 40 to 5
- Removed all non-harvestable trees/rocks from EKs
- Removed several decorative chests from Castles
- Set the Dragon Relic buff pedestal to be interactable with PvP turned on
- Set the EK Houses to be able to switch between Thatch Roofed ones and normal roofed ones
- “Time remaining” will now show an approximate time remaining for the EK while the EK is active. If there are players in the kingdom, it will always show the maximum time remaining for that EK (15 min for non-VIP, 30 min for VIP private EKs, 3 hours for VIP public EKs)
- A better explanation is now provided when attempting to bind left/right mouse buttons to movement controls. Left and right mouse buttons can also no longer be assigned to auto-run, which had the same conflict as other movement controls
- Added an indicator to the Alliance HUD element for when Alliances grow beyond 5 guilds
- Added localization to some Fly text
- Added power button highlight when aiming a power
- Evasion Fly text at distance will be smaller
- Fixed an issue where default input preferences were assigning the same key binding to two different actions (opening the scoreboard and changing chat combat log filters)
- Fixed skip intro key not always skipping the intro cinematic when possible
- Fixed the default subcrest crest from appearing in the guild tab for the social window
- When the player is in crow form after dying, the recall ability will now use the secondary interact key ('G' by default)
- Corrected a number of power tooltips to indicate they hit targets under your reticle.
- Improved input feel for Harvesting and Energetic Harvesting powers
- Talent power modification descriptions are now available! After purchasing a talent upgrade that modifies a power you can now hold CTRL while viewing the description to see additional information about how the talent has modified that power
- Updated the impact effects for several basic powers
- Assassin Envenom will now properly apply the Deadly poison buff if you have the Garrote or Poisoned Blade powers and have a toxin equipped
- Assassin Sap Strike when used with Poison Mastery will now properly remove Barriers and will add Exhaustion to enemies using Block
- Spirit Dart now uses the correct terminology to refer to the "Slowing toxin" it applies
- The Mounted VFX for centaurs is now more noticeable
- Corrected a typo in the Champion trait display in the character sheet
- Fixed blinded VFX on Flash of Light
- Updated Strength in Numbers description to indicate that damage is converted directly to healing and is unaffected by Support Power
- Updated the sound for the Cleric basic attack
- Added text to the Rapid Fire description saying that it requires Dual Pistols
- Fixed an issue that could cause Rapid Fire to occasionally drop a tick
- Keen Guard now indicates it has a duration between 6 and 18 seconds scaling with pips spent
- Reworded Ice Devourer tooltip for clarity
- Fixed Frostweaver Ice caller Ice Formation Chance stat buff display
- Added Hit FX for Restoration strike
- Updated the Raging Bull VFX
- Nethari Call Flames now indicates it increases your Damage Bonus: Fire by 10%
- Cross Swipe now indicates it hits up to 3 targets
Arkon's Disciple
- Fiery Brand power description now indicates the value of it's Elemental Break effect
Blood Pact
- The functionality of Blood Pact has changed. It now exchanges 1000 Health for 200 Mana, 150 Energy or Essence, 20 Fury or Rage, or 4 Power Pips
Dirge of Dissonance
- The power description for Dirge Of Dissonance now indicates it causes damage twice every 6 seconds while toggled on
The Song Duration stat no longer reduces the effectiveness of Dirge of Dissonance
- Adjusted hit FX
- Updated power description text on Sturdy passive to be more clear
- Added additional item icons
- Added unique Location Names for the various War Tribes and Stoneborn Ruins
- Ancient Sunfire Skull has been renamed to Decayed Sunfire Skull
- Catapults and Trebuchets now have the same name plate view distance
- Dropping inventory items on "locked" (not yet accepted) trade area will no longer prompt to delete the item
- Fixed an issue where after a player received a name change their buddy code didn't work properly. You're now able to use your new name buddy code
- Fixed a bug where a player's inventory could enter the overflow state after trying to equip multiples of the same unique item
- Fixed an issue where caravans would sometimes get stuck in canyons
- Fixed an issue where elementals may not double their loot in a hot zone
- Fixed various world issues with assets clipping
- Increased experience granted for NPCs level 30 and above
- In order to avoid players abusing the spamming of ladders to avoid damage, they will experience a three-second cooldown of ladder usage when they go either up or down a ladder
- Right-click moving multiple sub-stacks of the same item to a chest should now stack
- The Bow Cast Speed stat will now show in seconds how much it reduces the charge time of bow attacks
- When mounted, the camera now rises to the player's head instead of staying at the mount's tail
- Added and updated several rewards for quests
- Fixed the nameplate on the Bloodied Axe NPC in the NPE
- Increased the number of graveyards found in Gods Reach
- Players should no longer be able to summon an unlimited amount of Pack Pigs from the Gods Reach Pack Pig pedestals
- Updated the Quest Tracker and the Compass Quest Marker to have visuals for side quests
- Updated the VO for several quests
- Added a sound for chests despawning
- CTRL + Right-clicking on an unsellable item now plays a negative feedback SFX
- Fixing missing sound for some of the NPC Bloodseeker Tallulah's attacks
- Fixing missing sound for Hellcat Slasher Fire Spit power
- Fixing missing ambient sounds for Mysterious Summoner NPC in Sun Temple zone of God's Reach
- Knight retaliate power now has sound once again
- Ranger Barrage SFX are now better in sync with visuals
- Right-clicking an item from a trade window back to inventory now plays a negative feedback SFX
- Shout and burp emotes now have sound
- Sun Elf mobs should no longer play two sounds on death
- Updated unarmed SFX for some races
- Removed an inappropriate bleed visual FX from the NPC Hurlbat ability
- The Gryphon Shredded effect now properly reports its stat debuff value.
- Maeve's Dirge buff tooltip now properly reports its damage.
- Fixed Boss Gryphon Devour Blackmantle to have the correct 30-second duration