@rudytjhia @StormsteelP Right now we are Alpha and moving quickly to Beta. Closed Beta is a process of bringing a larger population into the game and it is hard to predict what emerges - we are focused on a quality bar and not a date.
The #Crowfall Launch festivities continue with @drakanowow in the drivers seat!
Join us NOW over on http://twitch.tv/CrowfallGame
This is also the last call to earn time towards you Snowy Swift Hellcat Mount so don't miss out!
Want to keep everyone updated on the service.
We have temporarily disabled reward redemption in the lobby as we investigate an issue.
We will update everyone again once the issue has been resolved, and the in-box re-enabled.
Thanks for your support!
NEW Crowfall Six-Pack: Six collectible items and Crowfall Game
Already have a Game Pack? Get the COLLECTIBLES PACK!
Both Packs include 6 cool Crow items!
Including the new Midnight Blue Nightmare Mount, 4 Emotes, and more!
Find Out More: http://Crowfall.com/Storehttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/E5t__B2WEAQ1shk.jpg