almost 3 years ago - ACE-Tiggs - Direct link
3 hours ago, KayNine said:

Still after the majority spoke and all the issues that came to surface with faction swapping in fvf, I see nowhere in the new campaign anything about faction swapping? Seriously? Lock players and guilds into the faction for the whole campaign. Stop letting this issue ruin fvf.  Time to just rat dregs at 3am again I suppose. 

@kaynin we had these changes go in days ago.  Are you referring to The Shadow worlds?

  • Added a 24 hour cooldown for joining a guild after leaving a guild
  • If you’re a Guild Leader and you disband your guild you will not be able to create another guild for 30 days


almost 3 years ago - ACE-Tiggs - Direct link
41 minutes ago, Barab said:

The OP is talking about the abuse of faction swapping to join the most heavy populated winning faction, to troll someone, or farm more safely by switching to the most populated faction without penalty. What is the point of having factions if you can just switch around to the winning side ? There needs to be a cost, penalty, and/or large cool down for switching. 


Imagine playing DAOC on a server if you could just switch between factions on a whim. This current system gives no incentive to stay in the same faction nor does it create a sense of faction pride. It's just a soulless, meaningless, shell of a faction pvp world with no realm pride with an abusive faction swamping mechanic. 



Thanks for the info, I had the dropping guild to kill someone on my mind when I read this.  I get it now and I'll bring it up.