over 3 years
ago -
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To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback
- We’re adding a new way to play the New Player Experience! Designed for players that want to get into the action, at character creation players will be able to select the option to create a character as normal or create a new level 25 character from one of six race / class selections. These options remove the choices that would have been made from leveling including talents and stat point allocations and send them to PvP in Skypoint! The first iteration of this system is now available.
- NOTE: The options currently available on Test are not final.
- Added a new side quest to direct you to join a group
- You should now be able to abandon side quests.
- Fixed an issue where Father Flint and Vestalis would not have images for their tutorial sidequests
- Removed the outpost flags located in the gods reach temples as they're not capturable objects.
- When joining a Gods Reach or Shadow Campaign with an unguilded account, you are automatically assigned a faction with the lowest population
Eternal Kingdom
- Fixed an issue where faction banners on parcels in EKs did not update when the parcel owner changed their guild. The banners will now update when the parcel owner enters the EK.
- Frostweaver passive Cold Stare will now give credit for Ice in your current stores when you purchase the talent
- Pressing the esc key no longer submits the dialog used for searching for a player by name (Add Friend, Block, etc). It now correctly cancels the dialog instead.
You no longer have to click on the input field on the dialog used for searching for a player by name (add friend, block, etc) before entering text. That field is now active by default.