over 4 years
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#fridaynightfights are here and @DefiantDaniel is answering #Crow questions on the road to #victory! http://Twitch.tv/defiantdaniel
Live sur @CrowfallGame ! [TEST SERVER 6.1] test des quelques changements à venir (enfin des montures 🐎) Puis on loot un peu en campagne sur le server beta #Crowfall #streamfr #twitchfr #twitchboys @PetitsStreams @Stream_Francais @RT4French https://t.co/f008iWuJOI 📺 https://t.co/3uiAck7MAw
Hoo boy, I'm doing my first @CrowfallGame dregs stuff in a bit. Not going to stream it. Just going to focus on learning to play my class right.