over 3 years
ago -
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Some players are having difficulties setting their own goals when they initially begin playing Crowfall, after they finish the NPE. Having a set of daily tasks should help these players and improve retention. NOTE: These daily quests are not intended to be a requirement for more experienced players, and rewards will be balanced with that in mind.
Daily Quests
Within the Quest Log, players now have access to a variety of Daily Quests which appear within a “Daily Quest” section.
Daily Quests appear automatically within your Quest Log (they do not need to be accepted, and do not appear on any quest givers)
- Daily Quests do not have a dialog associated with them
- Daily Quests cannot be abandoned, they will always appear within your quest log while active
- All players share the same Daily Quests, regardless of the campaign they are in
- Daily Quest Completion is tracked per account
Daily Quests reset at a specified Daily Reset Time
This reset time is the same for all players
- Eg. All Daily Quests reset at 10:00 am CST
- Players will see the reset time based in their time zone (similar to how siege schedules are displayed)
- This reset time appears within the Daily Quests UI
This reset time is the same for all players
- When Daily Quests reset, all progress made towards the Daily Quest is lost
- Whenever a Daily Quest is completed, players must claim the Daily Quest Rewards from the Daily Quests UI (with no need to turn in quests)
Each day, four Daily Quests are chosen from a designer defined list of Daily Quests at random
- All players share the same randomly selected quests each day
- Eg. Monday my daily quests may be “Capture Outposts, Capture a Fort, Run a Caravan, and Sacrifice a Player Skull” but on Tuesday, they are “Capture a Fort, Kill 10 enemies in a hotzone, Participate in a Keep or Castle Siege, and Defeat a Wartribe Boss
Example Daily Quests:
- Capture Outposts
- Capture a Fort
- Run a Caravan
- Sacrifice a player's skull
- Kill 20 enemies (NPCs) in a hotzone
- Participate in a Keep or Castle Siege
- Defeat a Wartribe Group Boss
- Compete in an Arena (See Arenas GDD)
Daily Quest Rewards
Daily Quests reward a unique Token Currency, which can be used at vendors that appear within temples to buy gear, crafting materials, disciplines, and other items
- NOTE: This gear will never exceed the highest rarity Wartribe gear acquirable in Shadow
Daily Quest Bonuses
Every completed Daily Quest makes progress towards a Daily Quest Bonus
Players must complete several quests to be rewarded with the Daily Quest Bonus
- Players can claim their Daily Quest Bonus when they complete enough Daily Quests to qualify for the reward
There are four Daily Quest Bonuses, with increasing rewards and Daily Quest Completion requirements
- Eg. 100 tokens at 15 quests, 200 tokens at 30 quests, 400 tokens at 45 quests, 600 tokens at 60 quests
Daily Quest Bonus progress resets on the 1st of every month at the Daily Reset Time
- Within the Daily Quest UI, countdown displays how many days remain (see mockup)
- Daily Quest Bonus completion is account-based, meaning completing a Daily Quest on any character will increment it
- The player can complete a daily quest in any campaign