over 3 years ago - ACE-Tiggs - Direct link

Update Notes,  and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported

Please share any bugs you noticed while playing the game, these are objective issues with gameplay. Overall feedback or opinions on systems should be directed to Feedback

If you encounter disconnection problems, showstopper bugs, or any other issues preventing you from entering or playing the game, please send an email as well as your client logs* to [email protected]

*Client logs can be found here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Art+Craft\Crowfall

over 3 years ago - ACE-Tiggs - Direct link
42 minutes ago, Wamfom said:

The sound bug has got to be fixed. Can we eliminate rainfall in the game until you guys can figure it out? Yes, we'll have to still avoid waterfalls and streams as best we can, but the rainfall causes the sound bug every damn time.

@WamfomWe need more information on this please.  When, where, short video clip with what's happening.