over 3 years ago - mdonley - Direct link

If you have a client crash, please contact [email protected].

To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback



  • Added Wartribe Food Additives such as Peppermint or Hot Sauce in the Food Vendor on TEST.

Eternal Kingdom

  • Fixed an error that would sometimes occur when socketing a deed when moving it to a new location in an EK.


  • Backstab will now activate the Bloodthirsty buff when you have the Cutthroat Talent and the target is Exposed and you hit them from the front.

General Powers

  • Powers that grant the armor statistic as a buff have been updated for their buff amounts to match the same % mitigation as they used to provide, just using the new increased armor to mitigation coefficient.


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes other players would appear to “jitter” or move while stationary
  • Increased the rate at which the armor stat converts to the final mitigation stat by 20%. (This should help armor protects a bit more)
  • Decreased all combat Penetration stat caps to 20%. (this should help mitigation not get stripped away by stats alone)
  • Survivalist Campfires no longer cause damage