over 3 years ago - mdonley - Direct link

Update 7.200

If you have a client crash, please contact [email protected].

To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback



  • Fixed an issue with the sorting of Alliance members
  • Keep Interiors will now apply a damage over time effect when infiltrated by enemies outside of a siege window.


  • EK Relic buffs that are passive will only appear in the Spellbook under the Passive section. (reducing the combatHud buff clutter for EK's)
  • Blessing of Knowledge's name has been changed to Valkyn Relic to match the other passive EK relic buff names.
  • Fixed an issue where moving or rotating parcels in an EK would sometimes cause the collision on the deeds on the parcel to stop working


  • The “Low Sec” zones: Arborium, Lunarium, and Solarium have been removed.  The quests associated with them will be moving to the Skypoint zone.
  • Fixed a reward for the Decide your loyalty quest
  • Adjusted some quests for Forts, Keeps, and Siege weapons


  • Vandal promotion now properly increases the damage of Backstab


  • Snipe description now notes it increases Damage Bonus Cap


  • Fixed missing reticle range text
  • Added an Abandon quest button


  • Added a new option to keep the chat input active after sending.


  • Siege Weapon War Horn power now sounds like horns


  • Fixed an issue with the sfx for chests despawning playing on the character incorrectly
  • Fixed some asset collision issues