almost 5 years ago - LordofCake - Direct link

Crowfall War of the Gods Update Development Build 5.110.0

To report any issues or bugs, please go here: 5.110 TEST Bug Reports
To report feedback, please go here: 5.110 TEST Feedback
For an up-to-date list of known issues please go here: Known Issues


Added additional FX culling support to improve group combat performance.

Catapults will no longer deal double damage to other siege weapons.

Implemented SFX for mounting a Ballista and splitting an item stack.

Updated the appearance of Underhill Wartribe NPCs.

Updated Exploration skill tree (more tweaks coming to the Survival Area of the Tree!)

Removed weakest skill from each of the 3 areas: Survival, Gathering, Movement.

Balanced time to train each skill node based on a non linear progression path.

The range of many Melee abilities has been changed to 6m.

Survival Proficiency increases the length of time the food pool lasts.

Updated siege weapon defenses so that they do not 1-hit destroy one another.


Increased the vendor price of the Tree of Life seed.

Fixed an issue with the Bell Tower stronghold building generating penalty points incorrectly.

The additive Stronghold guards should no longer spawn until you build up the appropriate stronghold building at the correct rank.

Updated the amount of health added to stronghold buildings when you increase their rank.

The Rune of Defiance Victory Card has been updated to reward the guild with the most strongholds.

Updated environmental assets in Underhill village and Stoneborn Ruins.

Fixed an issue with Bank Chest interactions in Infected campaigns.


Fixed an issue with the Ballista health UI breaking when a barrier is applied.

There should now be popup messages to indicate the beginning of sieges at forts.

Fixed an issue where duplicate siege UI may appear at the same time.

Updated Settings UI to accommodate 6 digit setting numbers where appropriate.

Class Powers:

Rapid Fire cooldown should no longer reset when it earns pips.

Re-designed how the Press the Advantage talent and Redirect Pain power work to make them more effective.


Improved the forced movement on Chain Pull to better match animation timing.


Improved an issue with lag on Bloody Swipe power.


Fixed an issue with Rapid Fire arrow projectiles originating from the target instead of the caster.


Fixed an issue where Holy Warrior FX would persist after the power has ended.