over 3 years ago - ACE-Tiggs - Direct link

Hey Crows!

Today is Campaign Day with Gatinyja (Dregs) scheduled to come online! While many of you are preparing for the competition ahead, we'd like to add a bit of transparency as to the delay of 7.200 that happened this week.

When we created the 7.100 campaigns over a month ago, the 7.200 update was internally scheduled to go Live on Monday (October 4th.)  Unfortunately, due to a number of technical hurdles, new NPE development, and wicked bugs, the Release didn't reach the Live Servers until yesterday (October 8th) which delayed us from creating new campaigns for a few days.  This clearly isn't a situation we wanted to be in and we are sorry we missed our deadline. Looking forward, we have plans for scalable duration campaigns in the future to make a shorter campaign viable, though we cannot commit to a timeframe on that at this time. 

We are committed to improving Crowfall and bringing you updates as quickly as possible--at quality. We appreciate your continued support.

Now come on in, and join us in Dregs!

Photo submitted by: Dorizzdt!

Photo submitted by @Dorizzdt