over 3 years
ago -
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Update 7.100
If you have a client crash, please contact [email protected].
To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback
Experience Rollover
- You can now level up multiple times in a single click when sacrificing, your experience will roll over.
Eternal Kingdom
- Fixed an issue where recently changed settings for an EK wouldn't correctly update in EK editor if it was reopened
- The toggle for switching an EK to Public is now grayed out for non-VIP monarchs
- Fixed an issue where the campaign list collect rewards button was not responding to clicks
- Vendors placed by alliance members in a stronghold will no longer be ejected (and sent to the bank) when the server restarts
- Adjusted the rock height so that Fae can't jump and dodge into the Dregs keep
- The Harvesting Health bar has been updated with a cleaner, more efficient art and added center crosshairs to help with targeting
- Updated the dot reticle to be slightly bigger and of higher contrast to be visible in more situations
- improved the responsiveness of the crafting UI during the crafting process
- Fixed an issue where Spirit Whip was hitting the same ranged target multiple times
- Removed the descriptive term "poison" from Shiv buff tooltips for Blackmantle and Slowing poison so it doesn’t imply that it applies two types of poison
- Runic Frostcaster: Fae, High-Elf, Wood-Elf should all have the correct inventory icons now
- Fixed Assassin Bloodthirsty granting more than one stack per hit.
Major Discipline
Agent Provocateur
- Fixed a text error with the Piercing Vulnerability debuff from Caltrops
Force Mage
- Elemental Break - Removed the string code from showing and changed to Elemental Mitigation modified by 20%
Pixie / Sun Worshipper
- Chain Heal power should now heal the correct number of targets
- Added a description to the vessel quality increase popup to better explain how to get XP post increasing vessel quality
- Fixed an issue where Guild crests were not appearing on siege results
- Fixed an issue where ingots were not spawning in Forts
- Fixed an issue where the prompts for social interact options (trade, invite, etc) weren't being closed properly
- Fixed an issue that caused Severe Burning (from NPCs) to display a text error
- Fixed Sun Elf Herald loot drops so it only drops one statue head based upon its name
- Flytext optimizations
- The Hero Statue in the Sun Temple of Gods Reach is back!
- Underground crypt area now has ambient sound in Temple, and birds/bugs are muted
- Updating the camera positions of many Quest NPCs
- Vendor NPC Coffers are reduced by 3 gold whenever you relocate it.
- Fixed an issue where Captain Flavius didn't have a voice on one of his quest dialogs
- Fixing more quest markers related to Captain Vatra of the Sun Temple in Gods Reach