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RT @Anhrez: The biggest single shift (imo) of combat, crafting and gathering stats comes in the move from the default vessels all players s…
Questers as Toasty wraps up some @CrowfallGame, @Im_Bucks is getting his morning coffee ready to continue the quest!! Come join him this morning at https://t.co/of0Tj8pqNh https://t.co/lvzD8JilDU
Crowfall War Stories: Commanders' Roundtable. New Series where leaders and participants sit down at roundtable and discuss epic battles. #1 El-Dar Fencrow https://t.co/fMrdIfjuda @CrowfallGame #CrowfallGame #OnlyinCrowfall #SundayNightSiege #CrowfallWarStories #JollyGrimGaming https://t.co/nxoccn7jSv