Hey folks,
Another quick check in on 5.110 "War of the Gods" development; we've been running Siege tests internally and we're knocking down bugs at a pretty rapid pace; as of this moment there are about a dozen issues remaining that we'd like to resolve before we put a Dregs campaign in front of you. In the meantime, we appreciate all the help you guys have given us on finding and reproducing bugs with powers, crafting, interface and everything else. We have a testing team that works around the clock (literally) to find and document issues but they can't provide the kind of coverage that comes from having a few thousands players in the game and playing. In preparation for Dregs testing, please make sure you have your Guild properly set up on crowfall.com, as the Test environment pulls guild data from the live website. We don't plan on doing a wipe, so whatever progress you've made so far will be there when the first test Campaign starts. Initially we're going to run some 4-day campaigns (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter @ 1 day each) and you should expect some false starts and stops because, you know, Test Server. I want to remind everyone that this is testing, not an actual Campaign -- so if we need to pause it or stop it or reset it to deal with issues, we will.Lastly, in terms of embargo, we'll probably be fairly open given that the Campaign durations are so tight. but I'm open to whatever you guys would like to see to facilitate testing. Thanks, and look forward to getting this in front of you! Todd