over 3 years ago - ACE-Tiggs - Direct link

Update Notes,  and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported

Please share any bugs you noticed while playing the game, these are objective issues with gameplay. Overall feedback or opinions on systems should be directed to Feedback

If you encounter disconnection problems, showstopper bugs, or any other issues preventing you from entering or playing the game, please send an email as well as your client logs* to [email protected]

*Client logs can be found here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Art+Craft\Crowfall

over 3 years ago - Tyrant - Direct link
On 9/5/2021 at 4:32 AM, ImJustPeachy said:

I am experiencing two bugs/issues currently. 

1. "Loading avatars" loading screen. It gets stuck for approx 5minutes, kicks me back to login screen then I login again & it loads into game. I have to login twice every time I log in with massive delays as a result. I have re-installed/repaired & it has not fixed the issue.


2. FPS issues. Today I have logged in to CF with 20FPS where I would usually have 40-50. I have again reinstalled & done all fault finding with my system then I finally logged GW2 to verify if the issue was with my machine - it is not. I run there on the 50fps I always get.


Please look into this


Please contact us at [email protected] as we need more info to help you!