over 3 years
ago -
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To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback
- Improved rendering of characters to increase client performance
- Several performance optimizations
- The Archive tab of the Campaign selection now shows a time/duration for any unclaimed rewards
Eternal Kingdom
- The selected parcel panel in the EK editor now animates when parcels are selected/deselected.
- Players can now right-click on a Guild member's or Murder member's name in the Social window to send a friend request
- Voice chat interactable icons no longer show when voice chat is disabled, and will reappear properly when enabled again
- Force of Nature healing orb explosions should now properly trigger directly over the healing orb
- Deleting a character will automatically select the character to the left (or the right, if the character was the leftmost)
- Fixed Herald spawning in Dregs and Shadow
- Fixed an issue where the linked world portrait does not update when selecting between characters that are linked to the same world
- Fixed a bug where the loot cairn would spawn and then go away for the starter worlds.
- Free city now only allows access to the temple that is affiliated with your faction or guild
- Updating the timing on Elemental Golem Ranged attacks
- Reduced the number of mobs players have to kill on every kill quest and reduced the number of outposts needed to capture in the outpost quest of the New Player Experience