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My friend and I picked up the game shortly after its launch and invested a pretty solid amount of time in it. After a few hours played I bought the Hunt Pass, since I like spending money on F2P games that provide a good value and aren't P2W.

Within a day or two I started noticing some frustrating features/bugs that really bogged down the experience, which was overall positive and fun. Below are some of my thoughts and notes about the main things that stuck out. They include existing features that are lacking, as well as some suggestions for additional ones.

I had more but several were addressed in the most recent patch. Like the Middleman fusion slot costs and interaction bugs.

Cells - Can’t remove cells from gear, which makes fusing very annoying. Cells that are equipped in gear don’t show up on the “My Cells” window at The Middleman. It makes it very time consuming to try and figure out which cells you actually have, what ones you want to upgrade, and what ones you want to break down. As of now you need to look through all of your gear to see what cell is in each piece, then swap a cell you aren’t going to fuse or salvage into it. This process repeats itself every time you want to salvage or fuse.

Worse yet, if you equip a cell into a piece of gear you’ve essentially reserved one cell, permanently, because that slot will always need to be filled with something. The more armor and weapon pieces you use and equip with cells, the fewer cells you have to fuse and salvage at any given time. If you have 20 weapons that you’ve equipped with cells, that is 20 cells you can’t salvage or fuse.

Cell Slot Types - You can’t see what type of cell slot(s) a weapon or piece of armor has until you craft it. When trying to create a build it is important to know what slot an item has, in order to plan out which cell combination you’ll need. It’s frustrating to waste a ton of materials on an item just to find out the slot type. The only way to efficiently create a build is using a third party resource to look up each slot type. It should be extremely easy to just put the slot type on the item description.

Inventory/Materials - Why oh why is there no way to see a list of materials you have? The only ways to know, as of now, is by looking at a quest that lists a material type and in the crafting page. Except the crafting page only shows what you currently need, not future stuff. When trying to go for 350 and 380 power on my weapon and armor the lack of an inventory was infuriating.

I had no idea which piece of gear I had enough materials to adequately upgrade. This meant upgrading things to +5 just to find out I was missing something, then doing it again on another piece. In the end I looked up which bosses I’d killed that had the +6 material, then estimated how many times I killed it based on damage done. As an aside, there isn’t even a way to see how many times you’ve killed a specific boss—beyond the first time—unless you did so while wearing their armor set, which is silly and leads me to my next point.

No Behemoth Material Preview - There is no way to see what a behemoth drops just by looking at the Map page. The only way to know what piece drops and from which part of their body is in the crafting pages. Everything that a behemoth drops should be listed on the Map at the very least, and it arguably should be in the Mastery page as well. This somewhat goes hand in hand with having an actual display of which materials you have as well.

Hunt Pass Preview - When previewing rewards from the Hunt Pass you can’t interact with your character to actually see most of the rewards. If, for example, you have the Elite pass and unlock the level 5 Sword Transmog, you can only see the hilt. The level 10 reward is a Lantern that you literally can’t see at all. The same goes for the level 13 repeaters. You should be able to spin your character to see the weapon and armor rewards from every angle. The emotes are also off centered and mostly obscured by the reward window. The signal flares are shot off screen so you can’t see them. They should be dead center, just like the banners, and the character shouldn’t be standing there. If they want the character to remain then the flare should be off in the distance in the background so we can see the whole thing.

Potion Bugs - Potions just lock up for some reason and can’t be used. No, not while shocked or anything, they just can’t be used. When this happens to the self-revive potions it can literally ruin a run.

Leaderboards - This one seems like a no brainer in this type of game. Speedruns, no hit runs, most kills by weapon type, most total behemoth kills, highest slayer and weapon levels, etc. There are a lot of cool categories that people could compete for which creates replayability, a type of end game, and an incentive to push your character to the limit.

Practice Area/Dummies - When I first started out I immediately looked at the move list and then searched for a dummy or practice area. Sadly there is none, which meant I couldn’t try out weapons or their movesets without going into a mission. This was my first disappointment with the game and it continues to be a letdown. I’d like to practice combos with the Axe, Chain Blades, and War Pike in a controlled setting.

Without a dummy I have to either go to a lower level behemoth to practice on in a private room, use a weak weapon on relevant bosses, or dump a ton of materials into a weapon I might hate and never use in order to practice on current behemoths. All three aren’t ideal and using a weak weapon in a group actually punishes the other people.

No Power Requirements - People shouldn’t be able to queue matchmaking for a boss if they are severely under geared. I went into a match with a friend that forgot to change his weapon and he had on a 140 shock weapon against a 275 shock behemoth. It was excruciating because he did essentially no damage. I’ve grouped with some people that have admitted their weapons or armor were low as well. It’s just perplexing that people can do stuff like that. It’s essentially punishing the rest of the group for something that is entirely avoidable.

If you try and do public matchmaking you should need to be within like 20-40 at least power to queue up. For the harder behemoths it should require you to be the same power level as it to use matchmaking.

More Statistics - In games like these I like to have as many detailed statistics as possible. Just some examples of missing statistics:

  • Total number of kills on a specific behemoth
  • Total number of kills of all behemoths, not just by weapon type
  • Total number of parts broken on all behemoths
  • Which parts were broken on each behemoth, not just total
  • Total cumulative damage you’ve done, not just by weapon type
  • “Most used” stat that shows which armor, weapon, weapon type, element, etc. you used most
  • Total cells found
  • Total cells fused
  • Total cells broken down

There are countless possible statistics that could be tracked and displayed. Some stats serve an actual purpose while others are just fun to know.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Kraken_PhxLabs - Direct link

Thanks for the very thoughtful feedback. These are all things we are looking to improve over time, and I hope you keep playing and keep giving good feedback!