
Dauntless Dev Tracker

16 Jan

15 Jan


Originally posted by Main_Ad_7924

Hello, I hope I’m using this right. I’ve never used Reddit before. I asked in the discord, but the answers were varied and nobody could agree what the intentional interaction is, so I’ll post it here so hopefully I can find out. I was testing to see if I could get my sword to deal consistent wound damage when I stumbled upon a weird interaction. Was wondering if this is a bug or if it’s intended. 

Two perks I have on that I want you to notice:

Merciless : “+100 wound damage against staggered behemoths”

Overpower : “when a behemoth is staggered gain 3 temp might”

I noticed when breaking behemoth parts or interrupting behemoths with Merciless that I was dealing wound damage, even though the behemoth wasn’t “staggered”. This led me to test if I would gain might from overpower by interrupting or breaking parts.  There are two videos, one where I use the hunger to demonstrate how a part break triggers merciless (I do not have overpower on this build, this...

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One is against already staggered, one is when it's staggered so I'd expect them to act slightly different. Since there's been contention I don't want to make assumptions and will run this by the design team.

14 Jan


Originally posted by Ceimash

I recorded some footage of me using the build and going back and watching it through. I realize now that, the talents that give held stacks on the Axe replace the temp stacks and then when I swap back to Molten Edict, the temp stacks don't come back. So issue solved. All I need to do is turn off those talents. Nothing to see here.

Oh wow, that would have taken a while to figure out, thank you! I forwarded it to the team in case we see something similar later, that's interesting.


Originally posted by Altruistic_Bid7263

The Hunger Sword legendary ability doesn't let you use it. It's stuck at the same point of the cooldown and doesn't progress.

This one's known and being looked into, thank you!


Originally posted by Medical-Bathroom-183

Update, have checked back multiple times and there's still no circle or prompt. Should I file a bug report or is this still an issue on my side?

Yep would recommend contacting Support via the website, this seems to be working for most folks.

Only last thing I'd recommend is checking that your time/date on whatever device you're on is actually set to latest. We've seen some weirdness with things like people changing their date when meddling with other games, which causes our store/redemption backend to have issues.

13 Jan


Originally posted by Ceimash

In-Game Name: Ceimash

▪ Type of Bug: Reaper's Axe Ultimate Abilty removes all but one Speed stack when it expires

▪ Normal Behavior: It is normally supposed to just remove the 2 held stacks of Speed it provided

▪ Actual Behavior: It removed all stacks and leaves the player with 1 stack of speed

▪ System Specs: PC, playing on Geforce Now

▪ Geographic Location: EU Geforce now West Servers

▪ Reproduction Rate: 9/10 times I was it Gauntlet it removed all my stacks

▪ Reproduction Steps: Yeap just get yourself more than 2 stacks of Speed, Activate Reaper's Axe ultimate and watch how the Speed stacks disappear.

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Do you have a specific way to reproduce it?

  • I've tried with both temporary and held stacks
  • I tried with weapon in primary as well as secondary slot
  • Tried with second weapon being each other axe to make sure no odd interactions with other axes
    • Tried specifically with Acceleration Engine from Fury of the Mountain to check for odd interactions
  • Tried with second weapon being non-axe

Originally posted by Ceimash

In-Game Name: Ceimash

▪ Type of Bug: Reaper's Axe Ultimate Abilty removes all but one Speed stack when it expires

▪ Normal Behavior: It is normally supposed to just remove the 2 held stacks of Speed it provided

▪ Actual Behavior: It removed all stacks and leaves the player with 1 stack of speed

▪ System Specs: PC, playing on Geforce Now

▪ Geographic Location: EU Geforce now West Servers

▪ Reproduction Rate: 9/10 times I was it Gauntlet it removed all my stacks

▪ Reproduction Steps: Yeap just get yourself more than 2 stacks of Speed, Activate Reaper's Axe ultimate and watch how the Speed stacks disappear.

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Thank you, looking into this now!


Originally posted by OkState3911

▪ In-Game Name: 69DemonStar69

▪ Weapon Name: The Godhand

▪ Type of Bug: Weapon

▪ Unlisted Youtube Video Link: https://youtu.be/SiSyUS8DlUA

▪ Normal Behavior: Laser is supposed to fire for a few seconds

▪ Actual Behavior: Fires for less than a second

▪ System Specs: OS> 64-bit operating system, CPU>AMD Ryzen 5 7535HS with Radeon Graphics, GPU>NVIDA GeForce RTX 4050 Laptop GPU

▪ Geographic Location: Guyana

▪ Reproduction Rate:10/10: Occurs every time

▪ Reproduction Steps: Equip weapon to left slot

▪ Session ID: 55a4eaaf27bc43c49bc50f253feab7b7-uxlhxle7

▪ Extra Details: I've tried switching the keybind to shoot the laser it still just doenst

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Thank you, looking into this one!


Originally posted by derdotte

lots of hotfixes are in. Those are always server side however not everything can be done just on the server end.
Client updates require more time as consoles have a game update verification process for any patch hitting a console game, that one can take up to two weeks. We also had christmas since the last update and naturally, like everyone the devs took time off to be with family.
Blame the console verification process and holidays for the delay.

Devs have been back in office since last monday. I am sure they finalized the patch this week and send it to the teams at sony, microsoft and nintendo to verify. We will be getting the season 2 update next week.

Yes. As an addition, there are a lot of known and even already fixed issues that wont make this patch for the reasons mentioned. The holiday gave us time to collect more info on issues, so more to come down the road.


Originally posted by NefariousnessFit4965

Game gets stuck on loading screen when loading back to ramsgate. Ps5. This is a random occurance and getting rather irritating. Also happens to friends so not just myself.

We're looking into this one, thank you!

10 Jan


Originally posted by matthewhughes9

Behemoth part's seem to be unbreakable if you're too far below their level. It seems to be about 10 or so more levels of difference between your weapon and the behemoth and it will just not be able to break parts, even if you spend the entire fight focusing one part, it will die before any of its parts break idk what causes this but it seems consistent with all weapon types vs a hellion leg that was about 12 levels higher.

They should scale with heath. Head and Tails need certain weapon types to break them now. So head requires a smashing type weapon like hammer, or Thundersoul sword. Tail requires slashing like Silver Sword, Chainblades etc. all other parts should break equally relative to core health.

08 Jan


Originally posted by Strefa1502

so does it have a chance to drop, or do i need to break it with the specific weapon?

Does not need to be a specific weapon type, and should be a 100% chance.


Originally posted by ursudae117

I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, but I'm not getting any Earthshaper Fangs for Toxic Phage IV by breaking any of Earthshaper Fenroar's head parts. (horn and actual head)

You're not the only one, we're looking into this, ty!

07 Jan


It needs to be a Radiant element behemoth on normal Conundrum Rocks specifically (not the surged one).


Yep! 2.1.0 the chain starts with the War Pike still, by breaking the head of any enraged Behemoth on Blazeworks (normal or Surged), and then you keep unlocking them from that same condition as you complete the previous one in the chain.


To confirm, the functional objective here is "Deal 250K damage to a Flameborn Rezakiri using a Radiant weapon", which was swapped in the original 2.1.0 Awakening update, but it looks like for some reason the localization for a few languages on this string were not updated for some reason - I've confirmed that this string is correct in all languages as of the 2.2.0 update coming next week.


Originally posted by Several-Damage3980

okay so I basically just restarted my progression because i WAS a returning player. i did so because i just didnt wanted to waste time even though i made this bug post just for the sake of someone else that might not want to reset their progression. when I did reset my progression everything came back to normal so thats fine I guess. i hope this bug gets fixed for other returning players so they dont have to reset their progression. i did so because i didnt mind and just wanted a fresh start.

Thank you, we're looking into this one currently!

06 Jan


Originally posted by Lockstick

▪ Type of Bug: Achievements

▪ Normal Behavior: "De-Icer" achievement should unlock when you get two interrupts on a Deepfrost Skarn in a single fight and "Pass Completion" achievement should unlock when reaching level 50 in the hunt pass

▪ Actual Behavior: "De-Icer" achievement doesn't unlock even when getting 6 interrupts on a single Deepfrost Skarn, "Pass Completion" not unlocked when level 50+ in the HP

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10: Tried 3 times to get ~5 interrupts on a single Deepfrost Skarn, never got the achievement, also tried to get a couple extra levels in the hunt pass but no achievement

We got this one on the to-do list, no current workarounds, thank you for the report!


Originally posted by Altruistic-Cup-5265

Bonjour j'aimer le jeux avons que epicgames arrive mais maintenant je n'arrive plus à me connecter car même si j'ai un compte sa ne marche

Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît écrire au support ? Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de gérer les problèmes au niveau du compte sur Reddit. Veuillez inclure tous les détails et captures d'écran ou vidéo si possible.

- https://support.playdauntless.com/hc/fr/

Can you please write into support? We're unable to handle account level issues on Reddit. Please include any details and screenshots or video if possible.