I mean really removing solo que other then money issues wasnt the problem. Forcing co-op,relayering progression and reshaping the already fine and other wise needed to be tuned crafting system and loop wasnt the solution.
For me they should have did the following:
1.Redesign and worked on actual islands types. Not flat grounds with trees rocks and a few behemoth horns.
Finished escalations so now the main game which was hunting should be top of the list following trials.
As of 2. add more behemoths and creatures not from escalations. That offer challenge and gear to work towards while keeping gameplay active and growing behemoth list so we are still going into soon 3 years the same beta behemoths.
Add mechanices and weapons to keep the gameplay more interesting then just go find behemoth kill behemoth and go home. Give a reason to stay in the zones like MHW does.
Finish what was suppose to be here last year. Cell 2.0,weapon reworks,New weapons,etc Atleast 1 of those.
This should have came first. I wanted HG so badly but when i saw experimental and i felt "Well its beta they just dont want to spoil anything" I was dead wrong. Recycled content from escalations and lukewarm profile cosmetics such as reforge system tracker.
I havent reforged any of my weapons and i can do everything. It took half a year for Reforge to come out and it was to me a dumpster fire. Nothing changed still got the same behemoths with no actual new diverse behemoths that are not reskins or bosses. Too much shelved to band aid reforge. Just a huge mess to me.
I mean what was everyone going to do? Spend the next year afk grinding to 100 on their favorite weapon? Fighting the same behemoths? Because thats what reforge is. Nothing to really work for but a pat on the back from phnxlabs.