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I don't usually do these kinds of feedback when it comes to the Store, but this time I felt I need to talk about it.


The Auroranaut Bundle/Kit look nice but I'm not much interested in most items - except for one, which I'm very disappointed is not in a separate kit. Why isn't the Auroranaut Banner Fabric, Auroranaut's Constellation Sigil and Flare in their own bundle? Heck, I'd buy if it was just the Flare and Sigil. Please consider this offer, PHX. I'm not interested in the rest of the items in the Style Kit.


What I do like is the look of the Guiding Light Lantern skin (it gives the impression it has Aether trails trait but I don't think it does?) and the pretty Bluefeather Glider. Nice work on their designs! Same with the Repeaters - if I was a Repeater main I'd probably get those.


One question remains however: what about the cool Assassin's Creed-like armor with the mask on the far left of the Store display in the Plaza? For how long will we wait for it? Don't tease us. D:

Edit: I've been told that armor I mentioned above is for sale in a ridiculously expensive pack similar to The Unseen pack, in the Platinum section of the Store. I play on PS4 and can't see it but after a quick check in the Epic Store via my browser I see the huge disappointment. What are you even doing, PHX? I don't care about the other bonuses in the Pack, I just want to buy the Armor. Why can't it be sold separately in the Store with the others? Also why do I see that one and the Winter's Bite Booster Bundle in Epic Store, but not PS Store? Is this another delay similar to another Booster Bundle we had in the past, or a bug? I can't tell.


Overall, good things and bad things in this new seasonal Store. I like the northern lights style in the items, which are also showing off in the Hunt Pass (though I think there are some graphic bugs on some cosmetics but I'm not too sure). A disappointment is the Style Kit not having a smaller Kit for sale.

Edit: Another huge disappointment is the Crimson Cavalier Armor being locked behind a huge paywall.

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over 3 years ago - /u/jordanpowpow - Direct link

Heya! Banners and fabrics typically aren’t very popular on their own. But we’ve found people are more excited about them when they come in a pack and are pet of a set. Bundles tend to be cheaper overall, too!

That said, we’re working on something new for next season that should let you break out and choose rewards individually a bit better. Stay tuned!

For Crimson Cavalier - yes, it is part of the big Platinum Pack. It’s a cosmetic armour, totally optional of course, but it’s important for us to have a diverse set of offerings. It’s some of the best value in the game platinum-wise and we wanted to make sure players that are coming in at that price point for their platinum have something awesome to show for it.