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I am trying to get catalyst 6 (I am catalyst 5 atm) and am just wondering if catalyst affects the health flask. I see everyone hyping over it so I assume it does but i am unsure.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Catalyst does not impact Slayer Flasks, only Tonics. 60% duration is 60% better on its own, 60% Effectiveness on its own is 60% better, but since you get the Effectiveness on the duration as well, the end result is more than the two on their own.

Add that to a tonic like Aetherdrive which on its own (when upgraded in the slayer tree) is 125% lantern cooldown rate and you have a very spammable lantern ability. Got a wound bounty? 50% increased wound damage tonic now looks a lot more effective.

It's possible to get through anything without tonics, and even slayer flasks, but people competing on the Trials leaderboard use things like tonics to stay on top, and they certainly make life easier in general.

For increased sustainability you'd want to look more towards Iceborne or Bastion Omnicell builds. Though Aetherdrive Tonic with Koshai's Bloom and/or Lifedrain tonic would certainly add a lot of life steal.