Sorry about the previous patch notes about this. When we tried to fix this for 1.7.0, we knew that there were some cases, especially in dual behemoth situations, that would cause this bug to happen. But in the interest of time, we pushed out a change that fixed the most egregious cases in the short term while we were working on a longer term solution to fix some of the underlying issues. Since a lot of people in the community were frustrated about this, we didn't want to wait until we had a "perfect" solution before trying to address some of the pain points. We should've explained that better and for future ongoing fixes, we'll try to be more clear so that you don't think something is completely fixed when it's not.
This patch should fix it though. We did a lot of tests and it looked solid. That said, there are a lot of people playing the game so there's a chance that there might be some other things we'll need to address. We'll try to resolve them as soon as we can! Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime.