over 3 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Hey everyone, we'd love to get some feedback around some upcoming balance changes we're talking about that would release alongside the Hunting Grounds and the progression rework. While we have ideas around some deeper systemic improvements for later releases, we'd like to make some changes to increase build diversity in the short term.

  1. Elemental Bonuses - We'd like weapon and armor elemental bonuses to have a significantly bigger impact on your overall damage output and resistance. Right now, most end game builds don't prioritize picking gear based on element and we want to make this a more viable choice. Our damage system will work a bit differently after the progression rework so it's hard to talk about numbers without context, but we're looking at possibly doubling the effectiveness of elemental bonuses.
  2. Cell Balance - We're taking a look at a lot of our underused cells and thinking about how we could buff or rework them to open up new build options. There are a ton of possibilities here but we would love to hear your suggestions.
  3. Low Health Builds - Is it time to tune down the low health builds? The combination of Discipline/Rage/Wild Frenzy/Iceborne is fun but we feel like the risk reward balance isn't in a great spot. Getting significant damage bonuses is fine for having a low survivability risky build, but Iceborne's damage reduction and strong lifesteal negate a lot of this risk. Some ideas we are discussing are making Discipline +1/+2/+3 only reduce health to 75% (not changing +4/+5/+6), forcing you to go deeper into the perk to gain full benefits, so a small hit to perk economy. Also being discussed is reducing Iceborne's lifesteal so it takes longer to regain lost health.

In addition to these proposed changes, we're going to reduce or remove the base lantern capacitor from Escalation, which will reduce overall power creep in the game. We're making a ton of other progression changes so we're hoping that overall the health of the game will be much improved.

We'd love to hear what you think and any other suggestions you have for increasing build diversity!


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