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I mean, it's been made with the new engine, right?

As the game becomes more and more optimized, i think we should get better graphics/effects now.

DayZ has been in development for so long now, that even the new graphics already starts to looks 'old'.

I mean, look at that screenshot:


Notice the reflections on the road?

It makes such a big difference. Right now, the only rain effects that we have, are the raindrops falling off the sky, and a more "greyish lights".

Wouldn't be nice nice to see some puddle forming, and even dirt turning into mud that sticks to your clothes??

Same for the interior lights.

Everyone knows that it's a problem rn, but again, if it's in the trailer, why is it not in the game yet?


The night is on point ,but just immagine how the gamplay would change if that lighting system would be in game!

So i don't know if it's some post-prod effects, or possible yet with enfusion, but please BI!!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now let's talk about the design. Why do you show us a really good looking world, if it's not what the game looks like?

I know that it's a cinematic trailer, it's supposed to look great, but cmon...

Here's a comparaison from the trailer/game:





The game looks empty, blank. NOT like in the trailer, and NOT like a post-apocalyptic world would looks like.

Here's what i've done to the same street a few months ago:


Looks already more believable, right?

And it only took me a few minutes to do, and the result so much better in my opinion.

And most importantly now, the zombies.

If you look at the animations and the sound they make here: https://youtu.be/hUH2rrHtnFs?t=205

It's MILES away from what we have.

It's pretty much some TWD zombies, and not that "cartoonish" type of Z that we heve right now.

Again, i know it's a cinematic trailer, but if you don't plan to make the game close to what it looks like in the cinematic, don't make a trailer that is not what the game looks, or gonna look like.

DayZ has so much potential, so Bohemia, P L E A S E , don't waste time implementing stuff for trailers, that you're not gonna implement in the game!

There is so many ways to make Chernarus more believable and realistic, and i'm still hopping that we'll get the DayZ that we're all dreaming about.

And as much as i'm waiting for some new guns and survival aspect to be re-implemented, i think it's time to have some updates graphic/effect side to keep the game up to date.

Would be nice to have some informations about that in the next status report, even just some words telling us if it's planned or something.

Please (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

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about 6 years ago - /u/RaptorM60 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zanena001

Usually even faked E3 demos are made in engine, the reason why they haven't used the Dayz engine to make the trailer is that it uses an outdated rendering pipeline

Let me clear that up a little.

We used the Unreal Engine because we already have an existing trailer production pipeline in that engine (thanks to our friends at Vigor team), and the engine also has tools that make a cinematic trailer production possible in general.

Without those tools (they are just not necessary for our game development at the moment, so they are not available in Enfusion) , we can't really make a good looking cinematic video in this style.

I am pretty sure that when Enfusion gets to that point, the render output it will produce will be pretty damn impressive even with our current renderer! :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/RaptorM60 - Direct link

Originally posted by Solocov

It just seems that the marketing department isn't really communicating with the dev team. There are just loads of things not in 1.0, but in this trailer.

Scars, a lighter, a music player with cassettes, actual darkness inside rooms, shrubbel etc.

This is just there too misinform and grab more cash.

1. "To grab more cash" is directly aimed at this trailer for misrepresenting available content, features and how the world looks. It is not aimed against the game, development or devs.
2. My comment below the community managers reply explains my thinking more thoroughly, and I'm happy to discuss this in greater detail.
3. The devs did a great job nonetheless.
(4. English is not my first language, so sorry for bad grammar)

There’s no intent to misrepresent the game, that’s not the goal, I am sorry you take it that way (we by the way also have a gameplay trailer in production for launch day to represent the actual gameplay).

And I (the “marketing departmemt”) am sitting right opposite to Eugen FYI :)

The thing is (and I am not sure why it’s hard to understand it with a trailer that’s very specifically named “cinematic”, cinematic trailers are common and don’t represent gameplay!) that this does not present how the game looks like. It presents the idea of DayZ, the world, the mood, the context. It’s meant to communicate how it feels when you’re in your own story in the game, how it’s playing out in your head when you’re immersed into roleplay in DayZ. I can see a whole lot of people who understood what the trailer did and they actually enjoyed it. It saddens me to see comments like this.

I am not happy that some of the things we used in the trailer are things you can’t do in the game, but this is a cinematic representation. These things were good visual material for the storytelling, for the cinematic vision.

I’m just sad when I see the “cash grab” mentions repeatedly. This trailer on it’s own won’t make us a dime. It’s meant to grab attention, excite you about the idea of the world, but people will not storm the Xbox store and buy DayZ because of this trailer. Gamers sre not stupid, and they will see what the game actually looks like before they go and spend their 40 bucks on it. The Xbox store clearly shows how the game looks like (heck, we actually use super ancient, totally not sexy screenshots there now). But then, when people come to the store, they connect the idea of the game, and the practical execution of this idea, and they will understand fully what DayZ is.

This is the intention of the trailer.