over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

Thank you for letting us know. We added it to the known issues and a fix is in the works.

It would be good to know if you cooked/ate them one after the other, or if you ate them straight in a row.

There are a couple of things to unpack here, it does not work as you describe it.

Primarily, there is a difference between the energy that the character has and the volume of the stomach that is filled. As it is in reality, food first fills your stomach, then it gets converted into energy.

The 20,000 you mention was the maximum energy in the past updates (this was lowered with 1.10, as you see in the changelog "Lowered the maximum energy buffer of the player"). But it does not mean that you can eat until this is filled, there is a separate value for stomach capacity. So to have a precise examples, two fried cow steaks eaten right after another should be able to fill your stomach, or one piece of lard, but you will have to eat way more to completely fill your energy reserves. Meaning, you will have to have a couple of breaks while eating. The stomach is currently processing food pretty quickly, but we might adjust that in the future.

over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

On it. The vehicle instabilities are related to it, and probably other desync/server lags you are seeing.

And again, we were/are aware of the state of vehicles, even before this update increased the appearance of issues, and it's a priority to fix for us. But it just isn't a simple one and takes time (and I agree, it's taking long).

Already acknowledged last week and part of the known issues, a fix is in the works.

No changes done from our side on this, we assume it's due to the server issues (would explain individual damage not registering)

Yes, waterproof-stuff is currently getting damp, but that's also as wet as they can get, it has minimum impact on the character insulation and reflects surface-dampness. So this is intended.

That's an interesting one, could you send us some details to our feedback tracker on that please (location of the tent/barrel, screenshot of the inventory)?

over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

First of all, please refrain from insults towards each other and in general. Further behavior like that will result in penalization.

We are currently testing a fix for that, we know it's a problem.

I talked about this a couple days ago.

over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

Yes, the mod has to run client-side as well, otherwise it won't work.

over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

Will come to experimental in the upcoming days.

over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

Did you report this issue on the feedback tracker already? If yes, please send me a link to the ticket (either here or DM). If not, it would probably be helpful for us if you could send us an .rpt file from a time/server when/where that issue occurred + the in-game name of the affected player.

We might get to this in a later balancing pass, but for now it is not a priority.