over 4 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link


let me say a couple words on the cheater situation. We are very much aware of the state of hackers infiltrating the game, and that situation having escalated since the corona outbreak.

Since then, we've been in closer contact with BattlEye to ensure that measures are taken both by them and within our game. I will not go into details, as this is a security-topic. But to give you a hint regarding numbers, we have banned more accounts in 2020 so far (and I mean way more), than in the past 4 years combined (also, we are talking 5-figure numbers). So rest assured, that action is being taken, and cheaters are paying the price.

Now to the topic of player-reports: With the way we are handling cheat recognition right now, implementing a report system for players would not benefit the situation. In this context you have to consider the time for implementation, the amount of false reports that would come towards us, and the time we would have to spend to run through them. Trust me when I say that we have considered it, and found a better way.

Obviously, there wouldn't be this many topics on the forums, if cheaters weren't still an issue in the game. Fighting cheaters is and will always be a continuous effort, with more cheaters appearing the more popular the game becomes, or if they feel challenged to attack a game for other reasons.