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Hello, Survivors!

It has been a bit over a month since our last Community Spotlight and a lot has happened since then!

In December we released DayZ 1.0 on PC. It was definitely the craziest month in the office and the devs really deserved their Christmas holidays. I know we've been pretty quiet this year so far, and I've even noticed that some of you think we're still on holiday somewhere, but that could not be further away from the reality!  Most of the team has been back to their stations since January 2nd and there's a lot of buzz in the office. We're working on fixes, planning our road ahead, and also getting ready for our first Platform Update - but I'll let Eugen explain it in his first Status Report of the year, so stay tuned!

We are collecting feedback from the Xbox community because the Xbox version still has several specific issues, and we want to know them all. If you are an Xbox player and have some feedback, here is the place to talk about it[forums.dayz.com].

We've organized a 5 Year Anniversary Live Stream in December and answered a lot of questions, so if you missed it, here's a VOD of the live stream:


For the live stream, Tim and I organized a special community event for our content creators and a bunch of other members of our community. The event was about attackers assaulting the defenders inside their base. The defenders were asked to build and defend a complex of buildings, the attackers had to kill them all.

If you want to know some stats from the battlefield, here they are:

DayZ 5 Year Anniversary Stream Results:
  • Hero of the Attackers - AnarchyHD (7 kills)
  • Hero of the Defenders - M1ndr (7 kills)
  • First Blood - M1ndr after 3 minutes
  • Highest Kill Streak - Anarchy (7 kills, stopped by DrDeSync); M1ndr (7 kills, stopped by Moondye7)
  • Blood Enemies - Fadez and Jonny Rotten traded Kills
  • Brought a melee weapon to a gunfight - and won - Uncuepa: 2 kills with the Wooden Axe; Catfu: 1 kill with the Combat Knife
  • Last Men Standing - DrDeSync, Dizzy and Gary were the last surviving defenders
  • Immortal Warrior - Dannyboyy did not die during the event.
  • The best motivational speech[clips.twitch.tv] - MrMoon
We definitely want to keep doing live streams, so stay tuned for more - and feel free to send us some tips about what you'd like to see us streaming!

Let's check the community content.

Our friends at the Australian DayZ podcast Compass asked us for an interview and we joined them for their latest episode. Eugen and Peter were talking about some interesting topics and if you are interested in DayZ development, you should definitely check it out:

If you are a DayZ beginner, you will maybe appreciate some community help:

Recently, my favorite "DayZ teacher" has beenArchie Stormcloud, who has his own "DayZ school". Check out his videos, they are funny, informative and entertaining.

How to find fruits in DayZ:
How to navigate in DayZ:

Have you ever thought about base building, but you never really knew how to do it? BarelyInfected has prepared a guide for base building. It can come in handy!

Another amazing piece of work from Asmondian. He has created a series of #dayztips pictures with instructions how some things work. Let's check out some of them:

If you are into modding, you can find some great community mods in the Steam Workshop.

The most popular Workshop item -at least for the last month- has been Winter_Chernarus. This mod retextures Chernarus to a beautiful winter environment.

And if you run Winter_Chernarus on your server, I suggest you to add Cl0ud's Wintergear, it is really nice.

Everyone wants Namalsk, but other terrain creators are already doing an amazing job as well, so now you can check out a new terrain called DeerIsle. It is a 16x16 km size map based on the DeerIsle location in the USA and is still in development. You can try the 3x3km starting area on the creator's server

Here is a sneak peek by the map creator JohnMcLane.

And here is a first encounters video by TheRunningManZ.

I want to show you one more video, which the DayZ team really likes. This base is really awesome, good job guys.

And the last thing I want to share with you are some examples of amazing handwork skill.

dubas_ got this amazing picture as a gift. Why don't I have anything like this on my own wall?

DrZZed shared with us his logo cut from wood. It is huge!

I carved a DayZ logo into pumpkin last year and it was so hard. But Reddit user ApersonawithCANCER did the same thing with a piece of wood, how it is even possible to do this by hand?

And the last one is a very atmospheric sketch made by Specu85. You are talented, man!

And one bonus photo to end things in style. Who else is envious of this DayZ command center by DownBy9UpBy5? I know I am for sure.

As always, it's location riddle time. The location from the latest Community Spotlight was under a little factory west of Lopatino. And who guessed it right?
  • Rosiu (@Rosiu11)
  • DrDeSync (@DrDeSync)
  • Emu Threat (@DayzedEmu)
  • Foxypote (@Foxypoteoffical)
Good job, guys.

Here's the next one:

If you know where the location is, send your answer to our Twitter account with the #DayZriddleTime hashtag. Good luck!

That's all from me for now, thanks for all the awesome content you create, enjoy the game and see you in two weeks.

- Baty Alquawen / Community Manager