about 6 years
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Hello Survivors!
Today is the day. The 1.0 update is out now on Steam! It is time to end the Early Access journey, and start a new chapter for the DayZ development.
Over the past days the team has come closer together and worked more passionately than ever to make this important leap happen. And of course, we have seen the support from our community, be it in Tweets, PMs or via Reddit. We want to thank every single one of you for your patience and endurance through the years. We know there is still a mountain of work ahead of us and the team is not taking this milestone as an opportunity to rest, but as a chance to recover, evaluate, and plan for future.
So what's ahead until Christmas?
First of all, we've just started our first Free Weekend on Steam, so this is your chance to show DayZ to your friends and invite them to a trip across Chernarus. This will also be the last chance to buy DayZ for 15% off its Early Access price, which will be increased when the free weekend ends on Monday, December 17th (19:00 CET)[www.timeanddate.com].
We are also approaching the 16th of December, marking our 5 year anniversary of DayZ. To celebrate this milestone with you, the team will also have a Live Stream on this Sunday evening, to show you some in-game action and talk about the release.
For the following week (17.-21.), we have additional appearances on community streams planned, to share more about what the release means for DayZ and what's to come.
This is DayZ. This is your story.
See you in Chernarus!