about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/221100/announcements/detail/3176663794382488275]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Greensek - Direct link
Hello Survivors, 

The new 1.07 Update brings some important fixes and exciting new elements to the game.
We are adding the Repeater Carbine which uses .357 rounds, and the 12ga Rubber Slugs which can be used by any of your favorite shotguns.
This new update also focus on important fixes, from small gameplay tweaks to the inventory fixes that were affecting the players experience since the release of the 1.06 Update.
You will also be able to find the newly added Amusements Parks, which are scattered across Chernarus.

Watch the trailer, and read the patch notes below.


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.[support.bohemia.net]DayZ F.A.Q.[forums.dayz.com], or BattlEye F.A.Q.[www.battleye.com]
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker[feedback.bistudio.com].


  • Added: Repeater Carbine
  • Added: .357 Rounds
  • Added: 12ga Rubber Slugs
  • Added: Amusement park locations throughout Chernarus
  • Fixed: A client error caused by re-encountering the weapon you dropped during a previous death
  • Fixed: The map always used to open at the top left corner (now remembers the last opened position)
  • Fixed: The action "Jump out" was disabled from the back seats of the ADA 4x4
  • Fixed: Action circle was missing while dismantling the oven
  • Fixed: The player can no longer attach both the suppressor and compensator to the SG5-K
  • Fixed: Issue caused by starting an action with a desynchronized item in hands 
  • Fixed: An animation glitch related to throwing
  • Fixed: Several types of inventory interactions related to item reservation
  • Fixed: Water bonus from wells was added too early in the action
  • Fixed: Infected would not cause bleeding wounds as intended
  • Fixed: Issues with doors in the aircraft hangar, hospital, school, harbour crane
  • Fixed: Issues with the sounds of doors in the fire station and big ATC buildings
  • Fixed: Issues with a ladder on the construction site
  • Fixed: Wooden plank stacks could spawn on top of each other
  • Fixed: The big doorway of the sawmill had bullet collision even when opened
  • Fixed: Object placement on Enoch and ChernarusPlus
  • Fixed: Yellow heat comfort was giving a penalty on health regeneration
  • Fixed: Position of the combination lock widget, LODs, and textures
  • Fixed: The player could collide with individual ivy parts
  • Fixed: The Denim Skirt showed the wrong colour in 1st person view
  • Fixed: Infected could not navigate into the large grey sheds
  • Fixed: The Construction Lights behaved incorrectly when thrown
  • Fixed: It was not possible to empty liquid containers inside buildings
  • Fixed: Blue Athletic Sunglasses had a green texture (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T148324)
  • Fixed: The Thermometer would always display 0 degrees (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T146710)
  • Fixed: Night vision was darkened when someone entered the players' network bubble (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T147106)
  • Fixed: Base building actions could be mixed up resulting in building the wrong part
  • Fixed: Large numbers (quantity) were not fully visible in the hand slot
  • Fixed: Barrel with holes was still able to store liquids (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T148495)
  • Fixed: Item description of the beige Working Boots
  • Changed: Global lighting changes (ground-lighting addition, brightness of the day and night, shadow contrast during clear weather, rain visual tweaks, darker clouds during overcast)
  • Changed: Improved inventory attachment icons (missing icons added, tweaked and unused removed to free space)
  • Changed: Clean-up of the car damage zones
  • Changed: Lowered the amount of leaked coolant when the car radiator is destroyed
  • Changed: The "Open" option for the fence gate can be accessed easier
  • Changed: Removed the collision from the Barbed Wire
  • Changed: Barbed Wire now causes bleeding sources instead of shock damage
  • Changed: The fence and watchtower kits can now be dismantled
  • Changed: Heavy items (with collision) are dropped using physics
  • Changed: Rework of the combination lock destruction (requires more time but in shorter cycles)
  • Changed: Sawing a pile of wooden planks is now a truly continuous action
  • Tweaked: Decreased range of the night light, and changed its color, position, and brightness for a better immersion
  • Tweaked: The fence gate opens and closes slower
  • Tweaked: Inventory view of the Assault Helmet Visor
  • Tweaked: You receive one additional plank when cutting down a wooden log
  • Tweaked: You receive one more wooden log when cutting down most trees
  • Tweaked: Clearer placement of the base building materials
  • Tweaked: Sorted attachments icons of firearms
  • Tweaked: The base building build action won't show up at all when it cannot be successfully executed (previously allowed to execute without result)
  • Tweaked: Adjusted the logic behind obstacle checks when building base parts
  • Tweaked: The map is now full screen
  • Tweaked: Removed the collision from tourist trail poles
  • Tweaked: Update of the game credits
  • Added: Ability to choose between bright and dark nights through a server config parameter lightingConfig (0 for bright, 1 for dark)
  • Tweaked: limitFPS is now logged and default crop value raised from [1, 50] to [1, 200], by default it's unlimited
  • Added: Curl context can store the results into files + API
  • Added: Livonia ruined houses variants without overgrown ivy
  • Added: Named selection for the bear (Body_Injury)
  • Added: Named selections for all ivy parts (leaves)
  • Added: GetGame().GetWorld().LoadNewLightingCfg("filepath") can reload the global lighting config during runtime
  • Added: SetSoundMaxVolume() to change the max-volume level
  • Added: Functions InventoryItem::EnableCollisionsWithCharacter & InventoryItem::HasCollisionsWithCharacter
  • Added: Exposed rigid body functions to script
  • Added: Missing dGeomCreateCylinder implementation
  • Added: Script method Object::SetDynamicPhysicsLifeTime
  • Changed: inventorySlot changed to inventorySlot[] (string to array of string) to allow slot extensions
  • Changed: Livonia terrain files *_ce, *_data and *_navmesh changed from *.ebo format to *.pbo
  • Changed: Commented out transferToZonesThreshold method
  • Changed: Renamed OnEventFromRemoteWeapon event into OnEventForRemoteWeapon
  • Removed: Obsolete pond/well drink actions
  • Picking up an item on the upper floor of a watchtower can crash the game
  • Activating the Debug Monitor on your private server can cause issues with the inventory navigation - be sure to set enableDebugMonitor = 0