almost 5 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

To add some explanation to @TheCreeper (DayZ)'s comment, this is what DayZ is about. Players are supposed to discover things by themselves, and have free choosing on what to do. The world out there is tough, and if someone manages to stay alive and gear themselves up, they gain power to engage other players, making it harder for them.

Now there are multiple ways to approach this situation:

Respawn and try to make it better. That can be achieved in multiple ways. Maybe you were too open positioned, because even if you have found some nice friends, you need to stay aware of your surroundings. As you learned, not everyone is that nice.

Chose who you trust and how you engage other players. Some kill everyone instantly because they fear they get killed instead. Some have a more tactical approach. Some just like to kill, die and respawn.

If you discover that this constant thread of looming insta death is not for you, there are several community servers out there, that have rules that enforce friendly, or at least roleplay behaviour, meaning players have to introduce themselves first or create a conflict before actually shooting you.

What we mean to say is that what you experienced is DayZ in its purest. Not everyone is friendly. But there are some friendly people out there which make it worth it. It's up to you to find your own stile to live (and eventually die, that's the reality) in this world.