almost 6 years ago - /u/BatyAlquawen - Direct link

Originally posted by Lijazos

Link not working :)

Sorry, there is a problem

We could not locate the item you are trying to view.

Error code: 2F173/O

It works for me... :/

almost 6 years ago - /u/BatyAlquawen - Direct link

Dear Survivors,

since our last Status Report in January, we've been very busy putting all of our development effort into Platform Updates and console releases. The three updates we've managed to release so far have been accepted well across the community and introduced a good amount of changes and fixes. We've also received a lot of great direct feedback on the updates and we did our best addressing it directly, or considering it for future updates.

Of course, as core community members, there's another thing that you expected alongside updates: a development roadmap explaining what these platform updates should bring over the course of 2019. 

Even though we truly wanted to deliver it to our community, after delivering the first two updates, we have internally made the decision that committing to a specific, public development roadmap for DayZ is something that we would rather avoid.

Despite our best intentions and many internal changes in the update planning process, it proved challenging to maintain our content or feature goals to a standard that would allow us to make our internal plans into a reliable public roadmap.

So in order to prevent possible disappointments (we have, for example, truly wanted to expand upon the survival elements in the 1.02 update, but eventually had to postpone these changes for various reasons), we'd rather keep our communication focused on new changes to the game only when they become available through an Experimental update, or close to that.

We hope that's understandable.

Thank you for sticking with us.

almost 6 years ago - /u/BatyAlquawen - Direct link

Originally posted by Lijazos

Link not working :)

Sorry, there is a problem

We could not locate the item you are trying to view.

Error code: 2F173/O

It should be okay, now. :)