almost 5 years ago - HavocHank - Direct link
As many of you know, for quite some time our forums weren't in the best shape. We had several issues with the forum software we were using before, and in the end decided to move to a new one. These past weeks we've been taking time trialing different software to make sure the one we land on is the right one, and here we are! Now, there several things to note with these new forums, so let's get into it.

One of the first things you'll notice—if you were a user of our old forums—is the lack of posts and the fact that you need to make a new account. That's because this is a clean-slate transition. Unfortunately, with the change in software there isn't an easy way to move content over, in fact it's extremely tedious and involves a LOT of work. With that, we will be working to get the most important content (old announcements and whatnot) shifted over, but other than that no personal content will make the journey to the new land.

You'll also notice that there are fewer channels than before. With this transition we will also be changing how we handle the forums and the content that gets posted in it. We want to make the forums more focused on Dead Matter itself, and encourage content to be constructive and meaningful. This means fewer social bells and whistles like the Clubs, profile updates, and no General/Off-topic section. This also means content will be more closely moderated, so please be sure to read the updated >>Rules & Guidelines<<. More channels for dedicated purposes will come later down the road when the time is right, so for now please use the current sections only for their intended functions.

With all that said, we hope you enjoy the new forums! It is still fresh so don't be surprised if you see some changes here and there as we fine tune the look and feel of things.