Dead Matter

Dead Matter Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Originally posted by TheCptSnuggles

I got faith. Also I haven't refunded. Sad to see how toxic this community has become. When and if they quit is the time to go all sword and hammer. Thanks for still working mate. Please don't become another dead linger.

It's been tough but I ain't one to quit.


Originally posted by HardyHarHarColt

Whaaaat? Dead Matter devs making more excuses for wasting everyone’s money and time. I’m not surprised.

There's literally 3 of us. There's no excuses, this is hard work. You can literally see every commit we've made this year in Discord.


Originally posted by Dunkin1017

Shut up bitch, what was initially released was better than the current garbage you put out just give it up

I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm not giving up.


Originally posted by WordsByCampbell

Great to hear. Wasn’t intended as a snarky post by the way. Just genuinely curious.

So is there still a roadmap that you’re following or have things changed?

This is a tough crowd so don’t get discouraged. It seemed like some headway was made earlier this year.

No need to apologize, tbh I feel I was probably a bit too pessimistic and snarky in my own reply. So the apology should be from me to you more than anything. Our roadmap is going to be dissolved into more or less a backlog. We had more staff on-hand when we originally put it together but we've done a fairly decent amount of work given how many of us are still on the project.


Originally posted by HardyHarHarColt

Bro 9 months between updates isn’t something to be proud of.

We’re completely reworking the AI system to stop them going through walls and stuff. This isn’t some simplistic Roblox game written in Lua.


Originally posted by McNarley666

I dunnnnooo, looks like they had a MAJOR update... back in 2022 😢

and also 9ish months ago? Or does everyone pretend we’ve done nothing since on this subreddit?


Still working on it, as much as nobody wants us to anymore.

15 Jun


Originally posted by zeabrahead

Mmmm I don't know. How about paying for the game on ea release. Coming back to check out the progress a few yrs later, and the game no longer exists. Apparently there's a remake that you have to buy all over again. That's called a scam bro. Just a bunch of scummy scammers

What are you talking about having to buy it all over again? Anyone that originally bought the game gets an Early Access key for free.

14 Jun


Originally posted by Dozer242

Lol you might want to read about this sca-eeerr, game.

Edit: all jokes aside, it's a scam. They got a lot of people and now they are going for round two with a new crew or something.

in what way is the game a scam exactly? we're still working on the game regardless of having to read sh*t like this constantly

18 Mar


Originally posted by kanevast

If you could go back in time to before the sale of closed alpha keys, what advice would you have given then Nik?

What would you have told him to do differently ?

To listen to my gut and to be extremely cautious of those that feel the need to insist that trust be placed in them and those that demand far too much for where they're coming from. I'd also emphasize to take care of those that don't ask for much but deserve more than what you're able to provide.

That and to probably be less naïve about human nature, to build awareness of how with strategy the balance of power can shift within an organization, for better, or for worse.

16 Mar


Originally posted by kanevast


How do you feel the dead matter project is going ?

As a producer of a product and a consumer of other video games.

As a producer, it's a complete sh*t show. As a consumer, it's worth keeping your eye on but it needs to be more fun with friends.

09 Mar


Originally posted by kanevast

Are you trying to imply that vein isn't better or worse than DM because you're both using publicly available code?

I'm seriously asking as it's unclear

Nah, every project uses open source code that's publicly available. Just by using Unreal Engine you're using dozens of third party libraries by a variety of authors.

08 Mar


Originally posted by MamasLilFatBoy

Vein is kinda neat AND it's free in alpha rn!

I'm just grateful that publicly available code that was written for Vein was used to fix our elevators (and theirs).

07 Mar


Originally posted by Clancularius2

Seems to just be back in my library today

Sweet, super happy to hear that.


Originally posted by Greganator111

I got my Alpha Key revoked and no new key, so guess even if I wanted to play it Im not able to......

We've gotten the situation addressed. You can read more about key redemption here:\_revoked\_still\_dont\_have\_the\_game\_in\_your/


Originally posted by SpadesNoir

Just got the same message, backed the game in August 2020.

We've gotten the situation addressed. You can read more about key redemption here:\_revoked\_still\_dont\_have\_the\_game\_in\_your/


Originally posted by flloww

Yeah, my key got revoked as well. Wonder if its just because they're transitioning out of alpha or what is going on.

We've gotten the situation addressed. You can read more about key redemption here:\_revoked\_still\_dont\_have\_the\_game\_in\_your/


Originally posted by Clancularius2

Mine got revoked too…

We've gotten the situation addressed. You can read more about key redemption here:\_revoked\_still\_dont\_have\_the\_game\_in\_your/


Originally posted by Jagraen

Seriously! I went straight to this subreddit just to check if I was the only one. What was the point of paying the some 30-40 bucks for the early backing if we weren't going to keep access to the game???! We did not pay for the privilege of early access, we paid to get that and the game that was promised!

There is either something we are missing or there is some legal boundaries breaking and rug pulling happening here.


I did miss something. They are addressing it.

We've gotten the situation addressed. You can read more about key redemption here:\_revoked\_still\_dont\_have\_the\_game\_in\_your/