over 4 years
ago -
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I am not sure how to help ya since I am not even sure what the problem is.
Or is that just a rant thread?
Or is that just a rant thread?
Girt said: I think a better analogy would be this:All policies in both indiegogo and us give you 10 days and 10 days only. We only do refunds beyond this for extreme and extraordinary circumstances. However we have delivered closed alpha so the likely hood of refunds are about 0.1% so again that extraordinary circumstance. We also made this clear.
"hey you know that report you've been working on, although it's not finished I'd like to see a preview and will pay you for the privilege?"
"what do you mean you don't have it, you've been working on this for 4 years and I paid you good money to see it?!"
"ok thanks for the report, why is it completely ineligible and not even fit for purpose? I've changed my mind and want my money back as I don't think you can deliver this report in any reasonable amount of time.."
"what do you mean no!? Just becauseI redeemed my keyopened the report you're telling me I can't have my money back?!"
Just another POV