over 5 years
ago -
Dead by Daylight
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
6s | it started with just a little spark a |
9s | crazy idea a few people kicked around |
12s | and it exploded into this thing that we |
17s | have today |
21s | hundreds of thousands people whose lives |
24s | are essentially touched by this game day |
27s | in and day out it's amazing the reason |
30s | why we're doing a big live stream |
33s | anniversary gala like this is because we |
35s | want to give something back we're gonna |
38s | have panels we're gonna have exclusivity |
41s | zhh that you guys don't know about new |
43s | announcements we're gonna have guests |
46s | we're gonna have music not only we've |
48s | done something this big before it just |
50s | goes to show how proud we are this is |
53s | the actual set that we're going to build |
55s | where our hosts and our panelists or our |
58s | deaths are going to interact throughout |
60s | the year anniversary I'm so excited for |
63s | what's gonna happen in five years and |
64s | ten years and see where we're at you |
67s | don't want to miss this livestream |
68s | because there's gonna be some intense |
71s | emotional moments the last year year |
75s | three has shown just how much we can |
78s | grow how devoted we are to this game are |
81s | committed we are to making this even |
83s | bigger stronger we we're here to stay |