10 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
10 months ago - ThomasBHVR - Direct link
Hey everyone,

It’s been a year since we announced we were working on a new project, and we’re thrilled to share more with you on this game codenamed “Project T”.

If you haven’t seen what we revealed during the Dead by Daylight 8th Anniversary Broadcast, take a look at the video below.

As we’re still in the early phases of development and prototyping, all content shared is work in progress. With Project T, we’re looking to include you, the player, from the jump. Not to finetune a nearly complete game, but rather to create it alongside you at a stage when your feedback can matter most. If you want to be part of the journey, join our Insider Program: https://projectt.dbd.game/3WIjMUS

We’re determined to build the kind of game you want to play, and we’re inviting you to join us in helping make Project T the best it can be. That means first-look dev updates, in-game rewards, playtest opportunities, and a place to have your voice heard through honest feedback and ideas about the project.

For even more updates and discussions about Project T, make sure to join our Discord: https://projectt.dbd.game/4akAM6A

See you soon!
The Midwinter Entertainment team.
