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Dead by Daylight’s Twisted Masquerade is back, signalling the return of unlockable masks, event-themed Hooks and Generators, new Offerings, exciting new gameplay interactions, and even a few otherworldly visitors. Come one, come all, and soak up all the splendour – you might never want to leave.
From June 22nd 11AM ET - July 13th 11AM ET, the Twisted Masquerade will decorate The Entity’s Realms with a luxurious update. Think a Generator is a practical, unsightly piece of machinery? You clearly haven’t seen it decked out in Masquerade attire. We’re also decorating Hooks, Lockers, and even giving a complete makeover to Father Campbell’s Chapel, so keep an eye out – at your own peril, of course...
The Bloodweb will also be filled with several limited-time event Items, including Masquerade Flashlights, Toolboxes, Medkits, and the delectable Terrormisu, a new recipe enhanced by one or two secret ingredients.
Carrying on tradition from last year, Invitations will be placed throughout every Trial. Sitting ever so temptingly atop an ornate pillar, these Invitations won’t linger in the same place for long, triggering a sound cue after relocating. Upon finding and claiming one, both Killers and Survivors will gain the ability to earn one of 12 exclusive mask cosmetics once a specific condition is met – more on that in a bit.
Each Invitation holds several charges, which can be spent to gain a quick benefit in game. For Survivors, spend one charge to block Window vaults for the Killer or spawn a Fragile Pallet that will break upon use. For Killers, charges can be spent to remotely break a Pallet, reduce the impact of a stun, or Expose a Survivor upon reaching Bloodlust.
So how do you unlock a Mask?
Glad you asked. To unlock a Mask as both Killers and Survivors, you must have at least one charge remaining in your Invitation when the Exit Gates or Hatch open. Of course, you’ll have to resist the urge to use all those sweet charges during the Trial, but that’s your decision to make.
Who gets a Mask?
This year, we’ve got 12 new masks for Killers and Survivors. Please note that these masks are unlocked in random order, regardless of what role you play.

The Twisted Masquerade once again features an Event Tome, complete with two levels of new Challenges to overcome. This time around, our Tome’s guests of honor are a few fan favorites: The Hillbilly and Nea Karlsson.
If you want to ensure they’re abiding by the Masquerade’s brutally strict dress code, you’ll have to make your way through the Event Tome and earn their Outfits the good old-fashioned way.
And of course, there will be Charms to unlock as well: Dancing Marionettes, Crow In Disguise, Absurd Celebration, and Bloody Fountain. What better way to showcase that you were there for the second-ever Twisted Masquerade?

The Twisted Masquerade is one of our favorite times of the year, and we want to pay it forward. For the duration of the Event, we’re offering daily login rewards of in-game currency, with each gift period starting at 11 AM ET and running for 24 hours.
The daily login rewards include various forms of in-game currency, including a total of 400,000 Bloodpoints, and 4000 Iridescent Shards. For more information, check out our complete schedule of Twisted Masquerade giveaways.

NEW COLLECTIONS The Twisted Masquerade is a time to don your most elegant attire, and a new limited-time Collection introduces new Outfits for The Ghost Face and Feng Min. Both Outfits can be found within the in-game store – check them out below.

We’re also bringing back the Twisted Masquerade Outfits from last year’s bash, The Dredge’s Masquerade Colors and Haddie Kaur’s Masquerade Outfit. Every earnable mask from last year will also be available for purchase. Head to the in-game store to add them to your wardrobe and remember – these Outfits are only available during Anniversary season.

Did we mention it’s a time to celebrate? Enjoy some massive sales on Outfits and characters, including up to 50% off nearly all characters released before Tools of Torment, with some exceptions. And since we know how certain parts of our community can get, we feel the need to clarify – the Outfits are 30% off all prices. Though evidently, the long-requested “shirtless Felix” is indeed part of the deal...

We hope you enjoy your time with the Twisted Masquerade, and we’d like to sincerely thank you for spending time with us in The Fog. Be sure to let loose and enjoy the party, gorge on an abundance of Terrormisu, and stuff that wardrobe with more masks than anyone can conceivably wear in a single lifetime.
See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight team

From June 22nd 11AM ET - July 13th 11AM ET, the Twisted Masquerade will decorate The Entity’s Realms with a luxurious update. Think a Generator is a practical, unsightly piece of machinery? You clearly haven’t seen it decked out in Masquerade attire. We’re also decorating Hooks, Lockers, and even giving a complete makeover to Father Campbell’s Chapel, so keep an eye out – at your own peril, of course...
The Bloodweb will also be filled with several limited-time event Items, including Masquerade Flashlights, Toolboxes, Medkits, and the delectable Terrormisu, a new recipe enhanced by one or two secret ingredients.

Carrying on tradition from last year, Invitations will be placed throughout every Trial. Sitting ever so temptingly atop an ornate pillar, these Invitations won’t linger in the same place for long, triggering a sound cue after relocating. Upon finding and claiming one, both Killers and Survivors will gain the ability to earn one of 12 exclusive mask cosmetics once a specific condition is met – more on that in a bit.
Each Invitation holds several charges, which can be spent to gain a quick benefit in game. For Survivors, spend one charge to block Window vaults for the Killer or spawn a Fragile Pallet that will break upon use. For Killers, charges can be spent to remotely break a Pallet, reduce the impact of a stun, or Expose a Survivor upon reaching Bloodlust.
So how do you unlock a Mask?
Glad you asked. To unlock a Mask as both Killers and Survivors, you must have at least one charge remaining in your Invitation when the Exit Gates or Hatch open. Of course, you’ll have to resist the urge to use all those sweet charges during the Trial, but that’s your decision to make.
Who gets a Mask?
This year, we’ve got 12 new masks for Killers and Survivors. Please note that these masks are unlocked in random order, regardless of what role you play.
- The Nurse
- The Legion
- The Oni
- The Blight
- The Knight
- The Singularity
- Meg Thomas
- Jeff Johansen
- Zarina Kassir
- Felix Richter
- Jonah Vasquez
- Gabriel Soma

The Twisted Masquerade once again features an Event Tome, complete with two levels of new Challenges to overcome. This time around, our Tome’s guests of honor are a few fan favorites: The Hillbilly and Nea Karlsson.
If you want to ensure they’re abiding by the Masquerade’s brutally strict dress code, you’ll have to make your way through the Event Tome and earn their Outfits the good old-fashioned way.
- The Hillbilly– Masquerade Chainsaw
- Nea Karlsson – Masquerade Shadow

And of course, there will be Charms to unlock as well: Dancing Marionettes, Crow In Disguise, Absurd Celebration, and Bloody Fountain. What better way to showcase that you were there for the second-ever Twisted Masquerade?

The Twisted Masquerade is one of our favorite times of the year, and we want to pay it forward. For the duration of the Event, we’re offering daily login rewards of in-game currency, with each gift period starting at 11 AM ET and running for 24 hours.
The daily login rewards include various forms of in-game currency, including a total of 400,000 Bloodpoints, and 4000 Iridescent Shards. For more information, check out our complete schedule of Twisted Masquerade giveaways.
- June 22: 50K Bloodpoints
- June 23: 250 Iridescent Shards
- June 24: 25K Bloodpoints
- June 25: 25K Bloodpoints
- June 26: 500 Iridescent Shards
- June 27: 50K Bloodpoints
- June 28: 500 Iridescent Shards
- June 29: 25K Bloodpoints
- June 30: 250 Iridescent Shards
- July 1: 25K Bloodpoints
- July 2: 25K Bloodpoints
- July 3: 500 Iridescent Shards
- Jul 4: 50K Bloodpoints
- July 5: 500 Iridescent Shards
- July 6: 25K Bloodpoints
- July 7: 500 Iridescent Shards
- July 8: 25K Bloodpoints
- July 9: 25K Bloodpoints
- July 10: 500 Iridescent Shards
- July 11: 50K Bloodpoints
- July 12: 500 Iridescent Shards

NEW COLLECTIONS The Twisted Masquerade is a time to don your most elegant attire, and a new limited-time Collection introduces new Outfits for The Ghost Face and Feng Min. Both Outfits can be found within the in-game store – check them out below.

We’re also bringing back the Twisted Masquerade Outfits from last year’s bash, The Dredge’s Masquerade Colors and Haddie Kaur’s Masquerade Outfit. Every earnable mask from last year will also be available for purchase. Head to the in-game store to add them to your wardrobe and remember – these Outfits are only available during Anniversary season.

Did we mention it’s a time to celebrate? Enjoy some massive sales on Outfits and characters, including up to 50% off nearly all characters released before Tools of Torment, with some exceptions. And since we know how certain parts of our community can get, we feel the need to clarify – the Outfits are 30% off all prices. Though evidently, the long-requested “shirtless Felix” is indeed part of the deal...
- 30% off Outfits released before End Transmission Chapter
- 50% off characters released before Tools of Torment (exceptions below)
- 30% off The Nemesis, Leon S. Kennedy, Jill Valentine, The Mastermind, Ada Wong, Rebecca Chambers, The Shape, Laurie Strode, The Ghost Face, The Onryo, and Yoichi Asakawa.
- 25% off Tools of Torment characters

We hope you enjoy your time with the Twisted Masquerade, and we’d like to sincerely thank you for spending time with us in The Fog. Be sure to let loose and enjoy the party, gorge on an abundance of Terrormisu, and stuff that wardrobe with more masks than anyone can conceivably wear in a single lifetime.
See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight team