For the past few months, we have been hard at work on an update to the forums behind the scenes. While our forums have their own charm, we want to bring them up to date and make them more inline with the rest of the game. We've tried out some different themes in the past, and we've taken your feedback from those tests to create something unique to Dead by Daylight. At this point, we're close enough to a final product that we're ready to share the changes with you.
Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress; some artwork is not final, there may be some placeholder stuff lying around, and there are some issues that will be fixed before this goes live. Some of the new features may not be available right away when we first launch this update.
Without further ado, here's a preview of what's to come for the forums.
We've gone back and revisited the entire layout. We wanted to save as much space as possible and focus on the things you want to see the most; the discussions, and the buttons to navigate around the forums. You'll also notice a few new features in the images above, like fancy backgrounds for mods and devs so it easier to find an official answer, and a message displayed at the top of the page to let you know that we've seen the thread (TBC).
Updated Bug Reports
One of the things we'd like to bring to the new forums is a better way to report bugs. This new system allows you to vote up issues that you are also having to help make sure that we see them as soon as possible, and also allows us to sort for the most voted issues. We'll also be able to set a status for bug reports, letting us quickly ask for more info if needed or mark the bug as acknowledged so you know we've seen it. We hope that these options make it easier for you to report bugs and easier for our team to read through them.
More organized news
To go out with a bang, we also have a new place to post news and patch notes in a much more organized way. This new page (loving and tentatively named "Info Center" for now) is a new way for us to post everything you need to know, whether that's patch notes, forum rules, or anything else. You'll also be able to easily jump straight to the section you want by clicking on the headings to the right. Only want to see the bug fixes? Click that heading and you'll be there faster than ever.
You didn't think we forgot about mobile, did you? As beautiful as the current mobile site is, we decided to give it the same treatment while keeping the smaller screen in mind. Here's what you can expect from the mobile site.
What are these new profile pictures?
The profile pictures you see in this preview are placeholders. They will be the same profile pictures we have now when this goes live.
Where are all the different categories?
Like the profile pictures, they are also just placeholders. The categories will be the same as they are now.
Do I need to make a new account?
No, your current account will still work.
Will I lose everything?
No, you will not lose anything when these changes go through. Any existing bug reports will be archived, however, as they won't have the new statuses and voting available. Your post count, reactions, etc. will be unaffected.
When is this going to happen?
We don't want to set an exact date, but we're aiming for early 2020 at the latest.
But I hate this.
This isn't a question, but that's okay, that's why we're giving you this preview. If there's something you don't like, please let us know here: