over 5 years
ago -
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For a limited-time, the 2018 Hallowed Blight outfits are available at discounted prices!
- 25% OFF The Doctor’s Foul Bile outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
- 25% OFF The Huntress’ Growth Surge outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
- 25% OFF The Trapper’s King of the Hooks outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
- 25% OFF The Hillbilly’s Osseous Carcass outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
- 25% OFF The Wraith’s Seeping Hollow outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
- 25% OFF Dwight’s Vigo’s Apprentice outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
- 25% OFF Claudette’s Vigo’s Pupil outfit: 900 AC (was 1200 AC)
Offer ends November 1st 11AM ET.
Discount limited to outfits purchases in Auric Cells.