over 3 years ago - Gay Myers (Luzi) - Direct link
Originally posted by Deadeye64: Man thats crap, I can understand the no name and shame rule to a degree. If somebody has solid concrete proof that somebody IS cheating and posts, I dont see it as "naming and shaming" but a public service. When there's undeniable proof that somebody is cheating and somebody were to post it, the poster should not be penalized.. But I do get not posting any random profile and screaming "tHeY cHeAtEd!", but again, with proof its not shaming but exposing. I think the rule could use a small reform.
One of the reasons why we don't allow this is also the chance of people staging something, posting it here with the intention to ruin someone's reputation. It's for the best it's handled the way it is - Steam also does not allow any name and shame.

It is very easy for users to think something might be a cheat/hack or someone has broken the game rules, but it wasn't. Has happened a lot of times. This rule is one that won't change as it's a big part of our foundation too. We have official outlets for reports.

OP, I know you said you already reported them and such, but please continue to do so in the future.