over 5 years
ago -
Direct link
- Fixed an issue that caused players not to lose pips when disconnecting from a match by accepting an invite to a private lobby.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to gain progress on Rite of the Last Breath daily ritual.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash while in the Collection tab of the Archives menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when entering the Archives.
- Fixed an issue that caused level 4 of the Tome to appear when opening the Tome if level 1 was fully complete.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor shadow models to appear in front of bubble indicators.
- Fixed an issue that caused some item auras not to appear correctly when viewed with the Plunderer's Instinct perk. Please note there is still an issue with toolboxes, we are still working on a fix.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem on a specific tile in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an LOD issue on the floor of the Shack buildings when the basement spawned in it.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors in a Custom Game see the Killer they are playing against while all players were connecting.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the host of a Custom Game lobby to crash when losing connection while loading into a match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when the host of a Custom Match reached the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Back option to become grayed out when in a public lobby, readying up and opening/closing a Loadout menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Shape and The Ghost Face's Stalking abilities to be delayed if the user had a high ping on Dedicated Servers.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes make it impossible to Wake Up other Survivors when playing against The Nightmare.
- Fixed an issue that caused characters to jitter around in the match when playing with uncapped FPS.
Windows Store
- Fixed an issue that caused Auric Cell Packs not to be available in the in-game Store.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to gain progress on the In The Void She Walks achievement.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Shape and The Ghost Face's Stalking abilities to be delayed if the user had a high ping on Dedicated Servers.
- Fixed an issue that caused characters to jitter around in the match when playing with uncapped FPS.