over 2 years
ago -
Dead by Daylight
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | The season of fear is underway. |
7s | A time for an eerie atmosphere, |
10s | frightening festivities, |
12s | and embracing the unexplainable. |
15s | Welcome to Haunted by Daylight. |
24s | The ill winds of All Hallows' Eve have swept into the store, |
29s | carrying the Tricks and Treats Collection. |
36s | And new additions to the Hallowed Blight Collection. |
40s | Including an outfit for Albert Wesker, The Mastermind. |
48s | The story continues with Tome 13: MALEVOLENCE. |
53s | Progress through the Free Track to earn Community designed outfits |
58s | for The Artist and Yui Kimura. |
62s | Seeking more? |
64s | Unlock the Rift Pass to access the Premium track |
68s | and plunge into the lives of Mikaela Reid |
71s | and The Ghost Face |
73s | to discover lost memories |
75s | and the outfits they once wore. |
82s | An arcane power permeates the Fog. |
85s | Complete objectives to acquire Void energy, |
89s | seek the unstable Rift, |
92s | deposit what you've collected, |
94s | and reap the rewards. |
96s | Skeletal shirts for the Survivors, |
99s | and for the Killers: sweet, sugary devastation. |
105s | But those aren't the only treats we've prepared for you. |
109s | A new event tome is yours to uncover. |
113s | Complete personal and community-based challenges |
117s | to unlock special event charms |
120s | and two outfits: |
122s | Kate Denson's Cornfield Scarecrow |
125s | and The Hag's Swamp Creature. |
130s | On Halloween Weekend, Dead by Daylight will be free to play. |
136s | So spread the fear |
137s | and invite your friends into the Fog. |
141s | The only place where you'll find legendary horror characters, |
146s | spine-chilling action thrills, |
149s | and a haunting atmosphere you won't soon forget. |
154s | Enjoy the spirit of Halloween night |
158s | in Dead by Daylight. |