almost 6 years ago - Dead By Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s it's been a while that we wanted to
7s explore a new errors we needed to
9s establish like modern days with this
11s look and feel inside that by daylight
13s but now we're right
23s I wanted to push it a little bit further
25s in history of civilization to the miss
28s uppity Mian religion mythology something
31s that we could easily make our own demise
34s of the faithful is about what's divine
37s and sickness we wanted to go much
41s further in the past to establish that
43s the entity can take people from anywhere
45s and anytime
45s I tells the story of a priestess that
49s worship and has a very strong devotion
52s for our gods
53s but that Indian will die of the plague
57s plague was quite a difficult one to pull
61s off this is the awesome working progress
63s for the artwork I think it's looks
66s gorgeous
68s of course you have something that you
71s can see from the get-go which is the
73s contrast between youth Beauty and
75s disease for me was important to always
78s create a contrast within her backstory
81s which was the duality of fear and faith
85s she's a very strong imposing person
88s she's pretty tall we went with a look
90s that is really rich and ceremonial we
94s wanted her to look old and affected by
96s the sickness but then we we needed to
99s show that she was young once
101s so her eyes really the center focus of
104s her face the stare she's giving it's the
107s last kind of living part of her body the
109s fact that she has a lot of backstory and
112s so many details in her costume makes it
115s really shine
117s I had a meeting with Dave who already
120s had a clear notion of what he wanted in
122s terms of killer we've had characters who
126s have attacked at range who have thrown
129s things we haven't had anyone who
131s attacked someone with a stream of vomit
132s before the biggest challenge was
134s probably modeling this this vomit stream
138s how do we make this an object in the
140s game that feels like it has weight and
142s that it behaves sort of how you would
144s expect it to without melting anybody's
147s computer you saw that I sent a survey
150s about your feeling about the vomit we
152s actually you know considered or we do we
156s want to go all in with with that effect
157s and yes we decided to push the thing to
160s make sure that the vomit is disgusting
161s in this part of our game we wanted to
167s create a parallel with how faith spreads
172s but also how diseases spread we thought
179s that he would be cool as a power to be
181s able to infect a survivor and then that
183s survivor would bring that sickness to
185s others
186s there's a group effect when you
187s encounter a survivor that as the
189s sickness you don't necessarily want to
191s help him right away because there's
193s going to be a custom that you will have
194s the sickness yourself so this dynamic
196s between a survivor which make the group
198s weaker is really interesting for the
201s weapon we wanted to go with this
203s ceremonial weapon
205s I guess hence her she's using it to hit
209s people but also like the sensor in the
211s temple to I'd the smell of her sickness
214s so the sensor used as a blunt object
217s like a Morningstar almost was really
220s really interesting in you
223s not only is this a really cool time
225s period to explore what with the even
228s down to the different kinds of textures
230s that you're going to see in the
231s environment with the stone and the gold
233s but it also opens up all kinds of
235s possibilities if dead badeah I can go
237s here think about where else we can go in
239s the future
240s it's always the the entity that this
243s Heights where shapes are going so
245s there's a base that is pretty solid
248s that's the part that was really the
250s temple and then the entity just pushed
254s it a bit higher and the concept we
256s really want is tall shaped and there's
259s shapes that was working but we felt that
263s it was too straight like a man made the
265s building we decided to go with shame
267s because you have the mix of both the
270s building that men created and the one
272s that the entity just kind of sculpt in
275s his own way this is the main entrance of
278s the temple and we really wanted to show
280s the verticality and the chaos as you go
285s in the temple you can see that there's
286s more and more richness walls trims
289s moldings where she was doing her
299s ceremonial act also there's a room where
303s you see the coffin for me it was
306s important to make this feel as real as
308s possible I wanted to do a lot of
310s research as to those ancient languages
312s that's something you can see still in
315s the trailer and on the few cosmetics as
317s well you can see how this language was
320s based on something very real that we
322s made our own dead by daylight is a game
324s that has captured the hearts and minds
327s of people across the world I think a lot
329s of that has to do not only with the
331s heart-pounding moments the tense moments
334s but also the characters people really
337s connect to these characters like we're
339s going back further than we have ever
340s gone people are going to try to figure
342s out what does this all mean what else
344s can we go from here every chapter we
346s create the open new part of the universe
350s creating these new character that are
352s really interesting and
353s seeing that the community grows and and
355s love each and single character that we
356s do seeing the community get their hands
360s on this character and create all this
362s this fan art and stories around the
364s character we created is super exciting
367s [Music]