Since we launched our new matchmaking system last year, we’ve received a wide variety of feedback and suggestions for improvements. Some of you have asked for fairer matches, even if it means waiting longer, while others have asked for faster queue times above all else. This makes sense since region, time, role and ratings can all affect matchmaking, and some folks are looking for a casual experience while others are more competitive.
With that in mind, we’re asking for your help to put these suggestions to the test. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be running a series of matchmaking experiments, with each experiment lasting one day. Our goal is to find a nice balance between queue times and fairness that everyone can be happy with.
If you’re curious, here’s a brief explanation of how the matchmaking system works: When you queue up for a match, the game will look for players with a similar matchmaking rating to make the match as fair as possible. If it’s unable to find even opponent(s), it’ll gradually expand the range over a few minutes until you get a match. This way, we try to give you a good match if possible, but you’re guaranteed to get a match if you’ve been waiting a while.
When is it?
The matchmaking experiments will take place on the following dates:
- March 28th
- March 29th
- March 30th
- March 31st
- April 4th
- April 7th
- April 11th
- April 12th
Each of the experiments will last 24 hours and feature one or more tweaks. The tests will begin at 11AM EDT.
What’s changing each day?
It’s a mystery! We don’t want to influence your opinion by spoiling what’s different, so we won’t be revealing what we changed ahead of time. One day may favour faster queues over match quality, while another may prioritize finding the most even opponent(s) possible.
How can I help?
Let us know how each day feels! Were you getting matches quick enough, or did it feel like you were waiting too long? Were you getting close matches, or were your opponent(s) all over the place? Each day, we’ll create a new forum section and ask for your thoughts. You can find the sections here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/matchmaking-tests
It would also be helpful to know what your matchmaking experience is usually like around the time you play so we can compare the effects of the experiments.
Beyond that, just do what you normally do. We’ll be watching queue times and match results behind the scenes to cross reference with your feedback.
That’s it! With your help, we look forward to improving the matchmaking system. In case you missed it, we are also working on other improvements to the matchmaker. You can find a list of edge cases we’re looking into in our January Developer Update: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/302821