over 2 years ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
10s limitations are often accepted
13s simple constraints of evolution
16s a poor performance indeed
18s there will always be those who defy
21s progress
22s self-destruction will be their fate
26s only those deemed worthy of uroboros
29s will earn the right to transcend their
32s humanity
33s and achieve true potential
37s chapter 25
39s dead by daylight
41s resident evil
43s project w
46s a visionary as brilliant as he is
49s ruthless
50s albert wesker is always a strategist
53s you may think you've gained the upper
55s hand but he's already two steps ahead
60s while his intellect stands unrivaled
62s certain circumstances require brute
65s force
66s wesker's virulent bound is a relentless
69s burst of speed powerful beyond human
72s capability
74s anyone blocking his path will be seized
76s within his grasp and receive the
78s uroboros
80s but be warned few are capable to resist
85s a survivor find themselves affected by
88s the virus they're dangerously vulnerable
91s to wesker's machinations
94s first aid spray may provide temporary
97s relief
98s but there's no delaying the inevitable
103s the consequences depend on how deeply
107s one is affected by the uroboros
111s and chases quickly with superior anatomy
115s whenever a survivor quickly vaults in
118s front of you your next window vault will
120s be done with intimidating speed
123s remain calculated under pressure with
126s awakened awareness
129s when carrying a survivor the auras of
132s any survivor in your terror radius will
135s be revealed
137s leave no loose ends with terminus
140s once five generators are completed any
143s injured downed or hooked survivor will
146s become broken until the exit gates are
148s opened
149s when broken
151s survivors cannot be healed or heal
153s themselves from the injured state once
156s the exit gates are opened the broken
159s status will remain for up to 30 seconds
163s you can't hide forever
167s our mission can be unpredictable
170s sometimes it's safer to keep people
172s guessing
173s no one knows this better than ada wong
179s her ability to thrive in a high-stakes
181s environment makes her an ideal partner
184s in the field provided partnership suits
187s her goals
191s keep a watchful eye on your adversary
194s with wiretap
196s repair a generator to install a spy trap
199s revealing the killer whenever they
201s approach
203s find opportunity in misfortune with
206s reactive healing
208s heal your wounds faster when a teammate
211s becomes injured in your vicinity
213s the perfect distraction
216s succeed where others have failed with
219s low profile
221s when you're the last survivor standing
224s hide all scratch marks and pools of
226s blood for a lengthy duration
230s a selfless act can make all the
232s difference
233s when all seems lost rebecca chambers
237s leads by example facing grave danger to
240s assist those in need
243s her medical brilliance keeps teammates
246s alive and inspired
249s even if it puts her own safety at risk
254s use altruism to your advantage with
257s better than you
259s any survivor you heal
261s will be motivated to complete their
263s objectives faster receiving the
265s temporary action speed boost
269s your presence calms those in the
271s entity's clutches
273s approach a hooked survivor with
275s reassurance to pause their struggle
278s progression for a duration
281s put your reflexes to the test with hyper
284s focus which provides a repair
286s progression bonus for every great skill
288s check in a row consistent success will
291s increase the skill check frequency and
294s repair progress boost as well as the
296s skill check difficulty level
299s resistance is noble
302s perhaps even admirable
304s however the uroboros cannot be stopped
310s true evolution
312s in dead by daylight
315s resident evil
317s project w
321s let's finish this
346s you