about 3 years
ago -
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First of all - the screenshot does not break forum rules, for all of you saying to delete it, I suggest reading the forum rules. Naming & Shaming applies when you're actively trying to shame a player for bad behaviour, which this post isn't.
Secondly, Grades are not used for matchmaking OP and being that you are not a new player your MMR will be somewhere in the middle or higher, and will naturally settle when you've played a number of matches. Grades only show hours played this season and not the hidden MMR score. It also doesn't decay if you've been absent from the game for some time.
Secondly, Grades are not used for matchmaking OP and being that you are not a new player your MMR will be somewhere in the middle or higher, and will naturally settle when you've played a number of matches. Grades only show hours played this season and not the hidden MMR score. It also doesn't decay if you've been absent from the game for some time.