about 1 month ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s for many of our new players learning how
2s to Loop can be truly daunting thankfully
5s for us we have the one and only Mish
7s teach us how to be more mindful when
9s looping in a
11s Chase my name is mish and today we're
13s learning how to become a better Looper
16s first practice your camera control being
18s able to hug the loop while also looking
20s behind you while you're in Chase is one
21s of the first things you should practice
23s next keep an eye out for connections and
25s Loops combining Loops that are next to
27s each other can create more distance and
29s make the loop even stronger longer while
31s also conserving your palettes for longer
33s take advantage of Windows near Loops to
34s avoid using your palletes and lastly if
36s you find yourself getting mind gamed all
38s the time you might not be using the
39s right check spots check spots are the
41s parts of the loop that are most optimal
43s for visualization of the killer if you
45s stand at the wrong spot you won't have
46s enough time to react if you stand at a
48s proper check spot you'll be able to
50s decide which way to go next and reach a
52s pallet or a window in time