almost 5 years
ago -
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Balance and Bug fixes
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Repositioned some vultures.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Repositioned the generator on the second floor of the saloon.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to see out of world when blinking in the basement.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused the Old West Oasis achievement to not unlock after repairing the Saloon generator and escaping.
- Family Residence: Fixed an issue that caused a Bear Trap to spawn inside a rock.
- Fixed an issue that prevented The Nurse from blinking through the exit gates.
- Fixed a heavy frame drop when walking on multiple Hag traps.
- Fixed an issue that would award a Protection score event to a Survivor for breaking free from the Redeemer's spear near an injured Survivor.
- The Hillbilly: Polished the animation when breaking pallets and breakable walls with the Chainsaw.
- The Hag: Fixed an issue that caused The Hag lunge speed after teleporting to be slower than it should be.
- The Deathslinger: Adjusted the sensitivity when aiming down sights when using a controller.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers using the Perk Hangman's Trick to see Survivor auras until the end of the hooking or dropping animation instead of at the beginning.
- Fixed the translation of the Perk category text in Thai.
- Updated the description of the perk Gearhead.