over 3 years
ago -
Gay Myers (Luzi)
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Hey! I highly recommend visiting this thread and giving all the information that's being asked for! https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/288817/infinite-loading-screens/p1
Originally posted by Clockwork:Originally posted by AS SOLIDAge: We have seen this behavior with a small percentage of players and are actively working on a fix we hope to roll out early this week. While not idea, the entire purpose of this Early Preview was to solve these issues before full launch. Stay tuned to here, our socials and discord for when the update is out.Okay I cannot find the save file location to save my life. Do you happen to know where it is?
Currently if you delete your saves and try again, you may have luck.
Originally posted by Clockwork:Originally posted by AS SOLIDAge:Ah, I don't even have a save file cause I can't get passed choosing a character for the first time. So I guess I'm just SOL until you guys fix it...